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  /syābr 1    myąą2.   rśgaą3/
  boy-Nom girl-Acc love-Hab (3Sg)
`the   boy  loves the girl2

  /syābr  rśgatyuą2/
  boy-Nom love-Ref-Hab (3Sg)
`the   boy  loves   himself2

Topicalization serves some clear stylistic needs in this language. In the texts, the formation of topic chains from simple sentences involving nouns requires the identification of the subject NP in one sentence with the subject NP in the next.but if a number of consecutive sentences in a text sequence have a common NP with a common referent, it entails the formation of a topic chain : each sentence being transformed into a form in which the common NP is the subject NP. Topicalization is limited to accusative NPs, locative NPs, and verbs.Given two simple sentences

  gwįg1   tasysobiri2/
  priest-Now sing-RecP-Cont
`the   priest1  was  singing2

  /h1   gwįg2   hwso3/
  I-Nom priest-Acc see-RecP
`I1  saw3   the   priest2

in order to form a topic chain, it is necessary to topicalize the second. Topicalization brings the referent of the accusative NP to focus by moving it to the front of the sentence. When it is moved to the front, it takes the nominative case inflexion and becomes the subject. The agent NP takes the instrumental inflexion and may be optionally deleted.

  /gwįgwč1    h2   hwso3/
  priest-Nom I-Inst [A] see-RecP
`I saw  the priest1
The transformational rule operating on sentences (271) may be started as

  X   [ NP VP [NP  VC]VP ]  X
  1  ų  2 3 4  5
® 1  3  2 ų 4  5



                                         where X is a variable.
Given a sentence :


  /kwįg1    w ą2/
  dog-Nom bark-Hab (3Sg)
`dog1   barks2

when the verb is topicalized, its cognate noun is moved to the front and becomes the subject.

/w yąwč1  kwįgną2 barking-Now dog-Inst [A]w 3/
bark-Hab (3Sg)

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