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/kįd gmč1    mlāky2   hįramgaso3/
all-man-Nom village-Loc assemble-RecP
`all  the  men1  assembled3  in  the   village2
/h   m  įkw2   I-Poss wife-Nom house-Loc ą3/
sleep-Hab (3Sg)
`my  wife1  sleeps3  in  the  house2

(4) Ablative NP :


/bśbśtył jyįbmalł2  tarwįmlāõ once once-Adv God-Nom heaven-Abl bóą4/
go-Hab (3Sg)
`sometimes1   God2  goes from  heaven3
/jyimcyane1   hi2  į3 Jimchane-Nom forest-Abl house-Dat hanįso4/
`Jimchane1   came4   home3  from  the  forest2
/h     mįyą1   hnył2    I-Pose wife-Nom I-Ablplįrįza  syiliyą4/
rupees-thousand-Acc take-RemP
`my   wife  took4  a  thousand  rupees from   me2

(5) Instrumental NP :

/cyį  tįragõ2   tamyā he-Nom dao-Inst tiger-Accsyéą4/
kill-Hab (3Sg)
`he  kills a   tiger3  with  a  dao2


/ajyindyab  dimi  pįhwć3  quwwn-Nom nettles-Inst frog-Acc yõkõyą4/
`the  queen1  hit4  the  frog3 with  nettles2

In a simple sentence with a transitive VC, if the referent of the nominative NP is the same as or includes the referent of the accusative NP, the sentence undergoes a reflexive transformation. The accusative NP is deleted and the VC is detransitivized by adding the reflexive derivative suffix /-tyu/. Consider the sentences

/cyį syétyuso2/
he-Nom kill-Ref-RecP
`he killed  himself2

 /cyį  tamyā syéso3/
`he killed  a  tiger2

 /mówą1    mķyą2   hwą3/
`husband1   sees3   wife2

/mówą1   hwtyuą2/
husband-Nom see-Ref-Hab (3Sg)
`husband sees   himself2

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