kįs ó |
friend’ |
ōt*p  |
daughter’ |
[speaker ; female]’ |
ōo |
‘1. house |
2. weather’ |
ōb |
[as bamboo shoot]’ |
ōki |
‘horn’ |
ōpr |
‘pod’ |
Mid tone [-]
hū |
‘to cover’ |
ōprōŏ |
‘brother [speaker
; female]’ |
ōcŏ |
‘husband’ |
ōkhrāyĭ |
‘paramour’ |
mņrōną |
‘orphan’ |
ōkr |
‘parents’ |
phōdū |
‘male [as of bovine
animals, viz., cows, mithuns, buffaloes, yaks
etc.]’ |
līpē |
‘owner ; master’ |
Lower tone [ ]
hł |
‘1. dig 2. to chase’ |
ōvņ |
‘1. ginger 2. pig’ |
kņvŏ |
‘bamboo’ |
c phņs
‘apple fruit’ |
khēnąŏ |
‘bitter gourd’ |
ō ģ |
‘sleep’ |
nąbģ |
‘twins’ |
nņlłlģ |
‘youth ; adolescence’ |
Practise with the following set
hł |
cut hair Naga style |
feed animals while
rearing |
cut off the top of
a gourd so as to convert it into a container’ |
hǔ |
‘sing while working’ |
hū |
‘cover’ |
hł |
2. chase’ |
Frame 1 |
Frame 2 |
Frame 3 |
Frame 4 |
hś |
hǔ |
hǔ |
hś |
hū |
hś |
hł |
hś |
hǔ |
hǔ |
hǔ |
hǔ |
hū |
hū |
hū |
hū |
hł |
hł |
hł |
hł |
Vowels |
The vowels
[ ]
and [i]
ōpr |
‘pod with seeds;
legume’ |
ōprĭ |
‘cup made of wood
horn for bambook’ |
ōc |
‘husband’s elder brother’ |
ōcĭ |
‘wife’ |
īh |
‘the woods’ |
‘footprint ; pug mark’ |
ōm |
‘price; cost’ |
ģmķ |
‘tail’ |
ōn |
‘laughter’ |
ōnķ |
‘festival’ |
The vowels [ ]
and [a]
īr |
made of the hide of |
ōrį |
‘good’ |
half the body’ |
c rō |
‘ten’ |
c cō |
swearing’ |
pą |
‘moss’ |
pà |
of shawl’ |
ōn |
‘laughter’ |
ōn |
‘1.dress;ornament |
2.utensil’ |
o ķ |
‘1.race |
2. life |
 į |
‘to pluck
[as flowers]’ |
The [front] vowels [i] and [e]
ōrķ |
‘boundary’ |
ōrē |
‘seed’ |
ōkrĭ |
‘poison’ |
ōkrĕ |
‘nest’ |
ōkģ |
‘bamboo’ |
bamboo, banana, fish etc.]’ |
point; foundation’ |
'arm' |