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 In the purely information-confirming

314  izho1 mo2 -do3
  today1 ; is not2 it ?3

there is an expectation that the answer will be in the negative so that


 ove1 izho-e2 ‘yes1 , today2

is not a possible response but the other three responses are possible
b.  ove1 izho2 mo-e3 yes1 , not3 today2
c.  mo-e1 izho-e2 no1 , today2
d.  mo-e1 izho2 mo-e3 no1 , not3 today2

     Finally, ida ‘o.k.?’ and odo, õdo and ndo ‘isn’t that so ?’ are used as discourse-final response-elicitors. The former viz. ida elicits-in particular, expects-a positive opinion for a nonlinguistic action, (it typically follows imperative, for instance), and the latter is for confirmation in linguistic performance, a tag question. Both forms evoke the same form as the negative response viz. (o)mo-e ‘no’, but different forms as positive responses:


A:  ida ‘o.k. ?’


 { * o }


{ e }

‘it’s o.k. ; all right’

{ * ove}



odo/õdo/ndo   ‘isn’t that so ?’


{ o }


{ * e }


{ ovu-e/ove }


e, the right response to the stimulus ida, could also be a discourse-ending response to indicatives
316. A:  kralo shu-e ‘thanks very much’
B:  e ‘o.k.’
A:  ai mikrüli lo le I will go down to Imphal
B:  e o.k.’

The Adverb
     The Mao Naga adverb can be classified into five classes: (a) the morphologically derived class: this has two sub-classes (i) where the derivative prefix is ma and (ii) where the derivative prefix is mo- (b) the continuous participle of the verb funcitoning as adverb (c) verbal absolute from functioning as adverb (d) non-verbal absolute form functioning as adverb and (e) sentential adverb, occurring in the typical post-subject position.

(a) the morphologically derived adverb. The derivative prefix is ma if the verb has a nonback vowel in it except when the nonback vowel follows a lateral. It is mo elsewhere


(i) ma-
317  zhü ‘be good’  ma-zhü ‘well’
  shü  ‘be bad’ ma-shü ‘badly’
  ri  ‘be in front’ ma-ri ‘before’

(ii) mo-
318 so  ‘be long’ mo-so ‘long (adv)’
  zho  ‘be much(mass)’ mo-zho ‘much (adv.)’

(note that osa so ‘be tall’ does not derive into osa mo-so ‘tall(ly) (adv)’)


 ‘be hot’ mo-so ‘hot (adv)’

 ‘be hot’ so mo-lü ‘hot (adv)’


 ‘be much (count)’ mo-pro ‘much (adv)’

(b) the continuous participial adverb
319 1.  pfota1 hri-o2 ovo so-we3
    they ( work3 enduring hardships2
  2.  pfo1 asa-o2 ta-ţi-e3
    she1 went away3 happily2
  3.  cako1 caki-te-o2 pe3
    Chakho1 spoke3 very cleverly2
  4.  nagamüi1 okhro zhü-o2 oru3 kozü-e4
    (the) Nagas1 fought4 (the) war3 bravely2
  5.  ai1 hihe2 mala-te-o3 ni-lo-e4
    I1 got4 this2 very easily3






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