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The following set of examples puts the moods of Dubitation, Choice and what formally is indicative mood (in the negative) in perspective.
114 1a.  ai 1 pe ma-moloe2 I1 may not speak2
  b.  ai1 pe ma-b/büi le2 I1 choose not to speak2
  c.  ai1 pe2 le3 moe4 I1 will3 not4 speak2
  2a.  pfo1 pe ma -moloe2 he/she1 may not speak2
  b.  pfo1 pe ma -b/büi le2 he/she1 chooses not to speak2
  c. pfo1 pe2 le3 moe4  he/she1 will3 not4 speak2
The Mood of Decisive Intention
     The mood of Decisive Intention which is compounded of intention, plan and strong, unwavering decision is marked by the suffix -i ; occurs in the future tense, not in the nonfuture, and in none of the aspects except the iterative.
115. 1.  ai1 larübvü-na-hi2 phro-i le3 izho deni4 kho-sho5
    I1 will be/intend reading3 the book2 these days4 , (so) do not ask for (it) 5
  2.  imemüi1 ozhu2 koda-o-i le3
    Maos1 intend changing 3 (their) name 2
  3.  lokho1 lokha2 hihi3 pfo-i le4
    Lokho1 intends taking4 this3 bag 2
  4.  ata1 izho2 okho3 bo-i le4
    we (excl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 will be/intend cooking4 fish3 today 2
  5.  ai1 sodu2 mikrüli 3 lo-i le4
    I1 will be/intend going down4 to Imphal3 tomorrow2
    Perhaps the following dialogue frame helps in the understanding of this mood.
116 A:  ni1 izho2 ayi3 akuo4 odo5 -li6 ho lo ho moe7
    can7 you (sg.)1 come7 to6 (the) field5 with4 me 3 today2 ?
B: a.  omoe1 ai2 izho3 osa4 she-i le5
    no1 , I2 will be/intend washing5 clothes4 today2
  b.  omoe1 ai2 izho3 mikrüli4 lo-i le5
    no1, I2 will be/intend going down5 to Imphal4 today2
  c.  omoe1 ai2 izho3 osa4 di-i le5
    no1, I2 will be/intend weaving 5 (clothes)4 today3
  d.  omoe1 ai2 izho3 sübu4 di-i le5
    no1, I2 will be/intend hacking5 trees4 today3
  e.  omoe1 ai2 izho3 oho4 she-i le5
    no1, I2 will be/intend pounding5 paddy4 today3

     The moods of Decisive Intention and Hortative do not co occur presumably because Hortative is a stage beyond intention and decision-taking.

117 .

 *ta-i shie ‘let us go’
The Mood of Ability
     The mood of Ability is marked by lo(sü) when the ability refers to intrinsic organic ability or power to do things. It is, on the other hand, marked by lozhü when the ability is governed by extraneous factors, factors other than intrinsic ability. The negative of the former (viz. lo(sü)) is (lo)hro/loho and that of the latter (viz. lozhü) is loshü, the antonymous zhü and shü etymologically meaning respectively ‘be good’ and ‘be bad’.
118 .1. a1 napüi-hi2 olo so3 losüe/lose4
    my1 daughter2 can4 sing3 (i.e my daughter has the physical, physiological
    ability to sing)
  2.  a1 napüi-hi2 olo so3 lozhüe/lozhe4
    my1 daughter2 can4 sing3 (i.e. correctly, well, effectively, before a huge
    audience etc.)
  3. a1 na2 ta3 losüe/lose4
    my1 son2 can4 walk3 (= my son has acquired the motor ability of walking)
  4. a1 na2 ta3 lozhüe/lozhe4
    my1 son2 can4 walk3 (= my son can walk carrying so much luggage, or has
    recouped the energy necessary to walk after being laid up for so long etc.)
  5.  süsü1 pe2 losü-o3 moe4
    can3 (you) say/speak2 like this1 ? (=do you know)
  6.  süsü1 pe2 lozhü-o moe3
    can3 (one) speak2 like/say this1 (= is it correct, appropriate on this occasion
    etc. to speak like/say this)?
  7.  ni1 ico2 ni3 to4 losüe/lose5
    can5 you (sg.)1 see3 well4 now2 (= e.g. you were shortsighted, can you see
    well now with glasses)?






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