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  9a.  ai1 rü-ab/büi le2
    left to myself/if permitted2 , I1 choose to write2
10.    ai12 le3 moe4
    I1 will3 not4 write2
  10a.  ai1 rü ma-b/büi le2
    left to myself/if permitted2, I1 choose not to write2
11    ai1 ni23 hu-(a)b/büi le4
  I1 choose to and am determined to visit4 your2 house3 as a guest4
  11a.  ai1 ni23 hu-ab/büi le4
    I left to myself/if permitted4 , I1 choose to visit4 your2 house3 as a guest4
12.    ai1 ni23 hu3 le4 moe5
    I1 will5 not6 visit3 your2 house3 as a guest4
  12a.  ai1 ni23 hu4 ma b/b*i le5
    left to myself/if permitted5 , I1 choose not to visit4 your2 house3 as a guest4
13.    ai1 ·aiho-yi2 do-b/büi le3
    I1 choose to and am determined to beat3 Daiho2
  13a. ai1 ·aiho-yi2 da-ab/büi le3
    left to myself/if permitted3 , I1 choose to beat3 Daiho2
14.    ai1 ·aiho-yi2 da3 le4 moe5
  I1 will4 not5 beat3 Daiho2
  14a.  ai1 ·aiho-yi2 da3 ma-b/büi le4
    left to myself/if permitted4, I1 choose not to4 beat3 Daiho2
15.    ai1 sodu2 mikrüi3 lo-(a)b/büi le4
    I1 choose to and am determined to go down4 do Imphal3 tomorrow2
  15a.  ai1 sodu2 mikrüli3 lo-ab/büi le4
    left to myself/if permitted4 , I1 choose to go down4 to Imphal3 tomorrow 2
16.    ai1 sodu2 mikrüli3 lo4 le5 moe6
    I1 will5 not6 go down4 to Imphal3 tomorrow2
  16a.  ai1 sodu2 mikrüli 3 lo ma-b/büi le4
    left to myself/if permitted4, I1 choose not to go down4 to Imphal3 tomorrow2

     The mood of Choice marked by -(a)b/büi, as is clear from the illsutrations above, is semantically identical with the future tense marker in as much as the future tense marker viz. le, like its English counterpart will, also carries the modal meanings of choice and determination. Thus,


.a.  sodu1 ni2 e3 mikrüli4 lo-b/büi le ho moe5
    do you (sg.)1 also1 choose to and are determined to go down5 to Imphal4 tomrrow1 ?


b.  sodu1 ni2 e3 mikrüli4 lo le ho moe5
    will5 you (sg.)2 also3 go down5 to Imphal4 tomorrow1 ?
    are semantically identical in one of the latter’s meanings.

The mood of Choice is not generally realised in the past tense except the subjunctive past, where too the mood marked only by -ab/büi, not by -(ą)b/büi, is possible :


*a   ideko1 ai2 /pfo3 ·elli4 -li5 { ta-b/büi le }6
      { ta-ab/büi le }
    I2 /he/she3 chose to go6 to5 Delhi4 the day before1  

{ ta-ab/büi le mo }3




ai1 idu-i2 {                       }

ana 4

{ *ta b/büi le o }

    a5 pfo-no67 he8 ho-ie9  

I1 would have gone3 yesterday2 but4 my5 father6 was9 not (at) home7





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