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 ni1 ico2 ni3 to4 lozhüe/lozhe5
  can5 you (sg.)1 see3 well4 now2 (= e.g. somebody has so far been obstructing
  your vision)?


 pfo1 shüpüi2 losüe/lose3
  can3 she1 speak2 (= e.g. she’d lost her speech in an accident, can she speak
  after treatment)?


 pfo1 shüpüi2 lozhüe/lozhe3
  can3 she1 speak2 (= can she speak well, correctly, effectively, confidently
  as after an illness or before an audience etc.)?


 ni1 imela2{lo(sü)}


{           }

(h)o moe3


  can you (sg.)1 write3 Mao2 (= do you know how or do you have the competence to write Mao)?  

Unlike its English counterpart, but like its Dravidian counterparts (cf. e.g. balla(Lu)/balle ‘can’ in Kannada (South Dravidian), lo(sü) expresses only innate ability and not possibility.


 kazhiebvü1 kazhie-i2 tacü3

 { amoloe }4

flying2 planes 1

{ may }

{          }

be4 dangerous3

{ *can }
The Mood of Mental Readiness to Brave Circumstances
     The mood of Mental Readiness to Brave circumstances on the part of the no subject speaker is marked by ab/abüi and by b/büi if the speaker is in fact the subject which preceded le the future tense marker. The glosses are merely suggestive approximations, no more.
non-subject speaker


1.  ocü rü1 -ąb/büi le2
    let it2 rain1 it’s o.k., I’ll face it2


 ocü ni1 -ąb/büi le 2
    let it2 shine1, it’s o.k., I’ll face it2


 pfo-no1 ayi2 da-ab/büi le3
    let3 him1 hit3 me2 , it’s o.k., I’ll face it2


 ai1 thi sü b/büi le2
    it’s o.k., even if 2 I1 die2


 *ai thi sü ąb/büi le
The Mood of Action Contrary to Earlier State of Affairs
     The mood of Action Contrary to Earlier State of Affairs expresses the beginning and continued state of an action which didn’t exist earlier. It is marked by -i. Note that the lexical verb in Mao to mean ‘to start’ is ta.
120 1.  ai1 izho2 kriscian3 so-ie4
I1 became4 (a) Christian3 today2
2.  cühi)1 pra-ie2
(the) Sun1 has risen2
3.  a1 na-sü2 rü lo(sü)-ie3

my1 son2 can write3 now (he couldn’t earlier)

4. pfo1 pfo2 -e0 ico3 coho nie lo-ie4
my1 father2 can4 now3 see4 (he couldn’t earlier)
5.  kaikho1 ico2 coho co lo-ie3
Kaikho1 can3 now2 hear3 (he couldn’t earlier)
6.  kaisa1 ala2 opfü ophe ado lo-ie3
Kaisa1 can now take bath3 on her own2 (she couldn’t earlier)
7.  pfo-la1 pfo-yi2 koli lo-ie3
he1 can now look after3 himself2 (he couldn’t earlier)
8.  pfota-no1 ni-yi2 nie kara-ie3
they (excl. pl.)1 hate3 you (sg.)2 (they didn’t earlier)
9.  kolamüi-na-i1 otu so2 to-ie3
the plainsman1 ate3 beef 2 (he hadn’t earlier)
10.  ai1 nainiin eii faiv ko2 juun khro-sü3 em bii bii yes4 modo-i le5
    I1 will start studying5 MBBS4 from June3 19852






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