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The Mood of Individual Choice
     The mood of Individual Choice which expresses choice among various alternative courses of action is marked by -abüi, in very common free variation with its syllabicised congener -ab. It occurs typically in the future tense. It does not generally occur in the (semantic) past tense except in the subjunctive past. V (a) b/büi (where V is verb) with first person pronouns expresses choice plus determination to carry out the action whereas V a b/büi expresses only individual choice and, by implication, leaves the final decision to nonself.


1. ai1 ta b/büi le2
    I1 choose to and am determined to go away 2


ai1 ta ab/büi le2
    left to myself/if permitted2 , I1 choose to go away2


ai1 sho-(a) b/büi le2
    I1 choose to and am determined to drink 2


 ai1 sho-a b/büi le2
    left to myself/if permitted2 , I1 choose to drink2


 ai1 bu-(a) b/büi le 2
    I1 choose to andam determined to stay2


 ai1 bu-ab/büi le2
    left to myself/if permitted2 , I1 choose to stay2


 ai1 embibiyes2 modo-(a) b/büi le3
    I1 choose to and am determined to study3 MBBS2


 ai1 embibiyes2 modo-ab/büi lo3
    left to myself/if permitted2 , I1 choose to study3 MBBS2


 ai1 ahia-yi2 mono-(a)b/büi le3
    I1 choose to and am determined to marry3 Athia2


 ai1 ahia-yi2 mono-ab/büi le3
    left to myself/if permitted2, I1 choose to marry3 Athia2


 ata1 pfota-yi2 da(a)b/büi le3

we (excl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 choose to and are determined to beat3 them (excl. pl.)2


6a. ata1 pofta-yi2 da-ab/büi le3
    left to ourselves/if permitted3, we (excl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 choose
    to beat3 them (excl. pl.)2


  ahi1 avu-(a)b/büi le2
    we (incl.du.)1 choose and are determined to eat our meals2
  7a.  ahi)1 avu ab/büi le2
    left to ourselves/if permitted2 we (incl. du.)1 choose to eat our meals 2
8.    ita1 mikrüli2 lo-(a)b/büi le3
    we (incl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 choose to and are determined to go down3
    to Imphal2
  8a.  ita1 mikrüli2 lo-ab/büi le3
    left to ourselves/if permitted3, we (incl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 choose to go
    down3 to Imphal2


   lokho ahi)1 isü2 ta-(a)b/büi le3
    Lokho and I (excl. du.)1 choose to and are determined to scale3
    the Isü mountain2
  9a.  lokho ahi)1 isü2 ta-ab/büi le3
    left to ourselves/if permitted3, Lokho and I (excl. du.)1 choose to scale3
    the Isü mountain2
10   ata1 ·iisi2 he3 ta-b/büi le4
    we (excl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 choose to and are determined to go4 to3 (the)
    D (eputy) C(ommissioner)2
  10a.  ata1 ·iisi2 he3 ta-ab/büi le4
    left to ourselves/if permitted4 , we (excl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 choose to go4
    to3 (the) D(eputy) C(ommissioner)2

With non-first person pronouns, v-ab/büi9 typically marks permission on the part of the speaker plus choice on the part of the subject of the sentence:


1.  cakho1 cahra-no2 vu-ab/büi le3
    Chakho1 can/is permitted to come inthe afternoon2 , if he chooses to 3


 pfota1 hayi2 sho-ab/büi le3
    they (excl. pl.)1 can/are permitted to drink ricebeer2 , if they choose to3


 loli1 lolia-yi2 mono-ab/büi le3
    Loli1 can/is permitted to marry Lolia2 , if he chooses to3


 no1 ayi2 macü-ab/büi le3
    you (sg.)1 can/are permitted to kiss me2 , if you(sg.) choose to3


 There are examples of v-b/büi too in the data marking permission
  pfo1 sho b/büi le2 (s)he1 may/is permitted to drink 2




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