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9. ahĩ1 avu le shie2  let us (incl. du.)2 take our meals1
10. mikrüli1 lo le shie2 let us go down2 Imphal1
11. kathipri-yi1 kade le shie2 let us meet2 Kathipri1

     The following illustrate the ungrammaticality of first person singular, third person and exclusive dual hortative respectively :

104 *1  ai1 hayi2 kocuoko3 sho le shie4
    let4 me1 drink4 some3 ricebeer 2
  *2 pfo/pfokrehrü1 hayi2 kocuoko3 sho le shie4
    let4 him/Pfokrehrü1 drink4 some3 ricebeer2
  *3  alemo ahi)1 hayi2 kocuoko3 sho le shie4
    let4 Alemo and me (first person excl. du.)1 drink4 some3 ricebeer 2
  *4.  kaikho1 e2 ahi3 hayi 4 kocuoko5 sho le shie6
    let6 Kaikho1 and2 us (incl. du.)3 drink6 some5 ricebeer4
The Mood Definiteness
     The mood of Definiteness, marked by -i and -li indicates that the speaker is sure about the action taking place. -li expresses greater assurance, and, significantly, unlike the former, does not occur in the negative.
105. 1.  pfo-hi1 thi-i2 le3 he1 will3 surely2 die2
  2.  pfo-hi1 thi-li 2 le3 he1 will3 surely2 die2
  1a. pfo-hi1 thi-i2 le3 moe4   he1 will3 surely2 not4 die2
  *2a.  pfo-hi1 thi-li2 le3 moe4 he1 will3 surely2 not4 die2
  3a. ai1 to-ie2  I1 surely ate2
  b. ai1 to2 mo3 -ie2  I1 surely did2 not3 eat2
  4a.  a1 zhu2 ashuli-ie3 my1 name2 is surely Ashuli3
  b. a1 zhu2 ashuli3 mo4 -ie5 my1 name2 surely is5 not4 Ashuli3
  5a.  oro1 zhü-i2 le3 (the) crops1 will3 surely be good 2
  b. oro1 zhü-i2 le3 moe4   (the) crops1 surely will3 not4 be good 2
  6a. pfo1 khi vu-i1 le3 he1 will3 surely come back2
  *b.  pfo khi vu-li2 le3 moe he1 will3 surely not4 come back2
  7a.  omi ami-li1 le2 it1 will2 surely land-slide1
  *b omi ami-li1 le2 moe 3 it surely1 will2 not3 land-slide1
  8a. ata1 odo2 hu-li3 le4 we (excl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 surely will
      dig3 (a) paddy field2
  *b. ata1 odo2 hu-li3 le4 moe5 we (excl. prn. & excl. pl.)1 surely will4
      The markers are mutually exclusive with some verbs
106. 1. propa-hi1 ari ho-i2 le3   the flower1 will3 surely fade away2
  *1a.  propa-hi ari ho-li le  
  2.  ocü rü-li1 le2 it1 will2 surely rain1
  *2  ocü rü-i te8  

     The mood of Definiteness marked by -i is not to be confused with the mood of temporal (condition ?) concomitance which is also marked by -i. Unlike the mood of definiteness marked by -i, the mood of temporal (Conditional ?) Concomitance has no negative, as the following examples show :
107 1a.  ai caka nohiu-i le
I will be marrying next year
1b.  ai1 caka2 nohiu-i3 le4 moe5
I1 will4 not5 be marrying3 next year2
2a. isember1 khro-na-hi2 sanni3 vu-i4 le5
Sunny3 will be5 coming4 in the (current) month of2 December1
*2b.  isember1 khro-na-hi2 sanni3 vu-i4 le5 moe6
Sunny1 will5 not6 be coming4 in the (current) month of2 December1
3a. pfo1 ozhi-i2 le3
she1 will3 be sleeping2
*b.  pfo1 ozhi-i2 le3 moe4
she1 will3 not4 be sleeping 2
4a.  sodu1 ocü rü-i2 le3
it2 will3 be raining2 tomorrow1
*4a.  sodu1 ocü rü-i2 le3 moe4
it2 will3 not2 be raining2 tomorrow1



ocü rü-i le means ‘it will be raining’ when the speaker has some evidence to underpin his assertion with. It does not mean ‘it will surely rain.’






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