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71.  { ai }1   { I }1  
  { *pfo } ta2 -la3 { *he } am/*is/*are about to3 leave2
  { *ni }   { *you }  
72. { ai }1   { I }1  
  { *pfo sho2-la3  { *he } am/*is/*are about to3 drink2
  { *ni }   { *you }  
73.  { ai }1   { I }1  
  { *pfo } so2 -la3 { *he } am/*is/*are about to3 do2
  { *ni }   { *you }  
74. { ai }1   { I }1  
  { *pfo } rü-la3 { *he } am/*is/*are about to3 write2
  { *ni }   { *you }  
75.  { ai }1   { I }1  
  { *pfo } ho2-la3 { *he } am/*is/*are about to3 put in2
  { *ni }   { *you }  

     Significantly, unlike its equivalent expression in English, la has no negative.


*1.  ai1 ta2 -la3 moe4  I1 am3 not4 about to3 go2


 ai1 sho2 -la3 moe4 I1 am not4 about to drink2


 ai 1 so2 -la3 moe4 I1 am3 not4 about to3 do2 (some thing)


 ai1 ho2 -la3 moe4 I1 am3 not4 about to3 put (it) in 2


ai12-la3 moe4 I1 am3 not4 about to3 write2

     -la with impersonal or O subjects is infelicitous for a majority of speakers but is felicitous for some.


 ?? ocü rü1-la2 it is about to 2 rain1
The Perfective Aspect
     The perfective aspect in the no future is rendered for intransitive verbs by the suffixes -i and -oi, the former indicating the continuance up to the time of the speech act of the state/action/process identified by the verb and the latter a kind of reversion, sometime before the time of the speech act, to the



-ti is theValency - Role marker





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