2. |
mamüi zhü
‘ |
be good-looking’ |
omüi mamüi ka-zhü
‘good-looking man’ |
mamüi ka-zhü-müi
‘good-looker’ |
mamüi ka-zhü-o
‘good-looker (masc.
sg.)’ |
mamüi ka-zhü-na
‘good-looker (masc.
sg.)’ |
mamüi ka-zhü-püi
‘good-looker (fem.
sg.)’ |
hi } |
{ i
} |
(du.)’ |
sü } |
hi } |
ka-zhü-khru- { i
} |
‘good-lookers (incl.
pl.)’ |
sü } |
mamüi ka-zhü-ta |
‘good-lookers (excl.
pl.)’ |
3. |
jü |
‘be big’ |
larübvü ka-jü
‘big book’ |
ka-zhü-müi |
‘big person(s)’ |
ka-jü-o |
‘big one (masc. sg.)’ |
ka-jü-na |
‘big one (masc. sg.)’ |
ka-jü-püi |
‘big one (fem. sg.)’ |
hi } |
{ i
} |
‘the two big
ones’ |
sü } |
hi } |
{ i
} |
‘the big ones (incl.
pl.)’ |
sü } |
ka-jü-ta |
‘big ones (excl. pl.)’ |
4. |
mara |
‘be crazed ; mad’ |
pfo o
amara |
‘mad male’ |
a-mara-müi |
‘mad person’ |
a-mara-o |
‘mad person (masc.
sg.)’ |
a-mara-na |
‘mad person (masc.
sg.)’ |
a-mara-püi |
‘mad person (fem.
sg.)’ |
5. |
osa so |
‘be tall’ |
osa ko-so |
‘tall plainsman’ |
osa ko-so-müi
‘tall person(s) |
osa ko-so-o |
‘tall person (masc.
sg.)’ |
osa ko-so-na |
‘tall person (masc.
sg.)’ |
osa ko-so-püi
‘tall person (fem.
sg.)’ |
hi } |
{ i
} |
‘the two tall
persons’ |
sü } |
hi } |
ko-so-khru- { i
} |
‘the tall persons
(incl. pl.)’ |
sü } |
osa ko-so-ta |
‘the tall persons
(excl. pl.)’ |
deverbal adjectives, like
all participial adjectives, answer the question ‘which person(s)?’. It is
readily obvious that the arguments for do not wash : one could have
nominalizing number-gender markers added to nonparticipial adjectives (as in
Dravidian languages, for example) and all descriptive adjectives,
participial or othewise, answer the question ‘which person(s) ?’.
(b) |
deverbal adjectives |
This is a limited membership set. Derived adverbs
are adjectivized by prefixing a-.
585 |
‘be good’ |
ma-zhü |
‘well’ (adv.) |
odzü da
a-ma-zhü-müi |
; the one who swims well’ |
Nouns functioning as adjectives |
These, unlike other adjectives,
precede the head-noun. One could argue that these belong properly in the
genitive, another class of noun-attributes because of the order of
precedence : genitives precede the head noun, and so does this class of
adjectives. One formidable piece of evidence that this third category of
adjectives does not belong in the genitive is the contrast between these
adjectival phrases and their genitival counterparts: |