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cohć va-no   ‘byabuffalo,travellingononeofitsexteriorsurfaces’

A notionally more abstract instrument also is rendered by -no :


1. ozhi1 -no2 ta le-shie3
    let us go3 by2 rule1


2.  pfo1 sokokhro2 -no3 ai4 hihi5 so-loe6
    I1 did 6 this5 with3 his1 help2

The instrument may be lexically marked, as in


 mosü ‘to kick (=to strike with legs)’
  kopha  ‘to slap (=to strike with palms)’
  macü ‘to kiss (=to touch/press with lips)’
The Benefactive
The Benefactive, sometimes also called the purposive case, indicates that the action identified by the verb is done for, for the sake of, in the interest of an entity expressed by the benefactive makred NP in the sentence. It is signaled by the postposition duno


ni-(yi) duno ‘for you (sg.)’
  ayi duno  ‘for me’
  lopüiyi duno ‘for her’
  ahi)(yi) duno ‘for us (incl. du.)’
  pfota hopfüyi duno ‘for all of them (excl. pl.)’
  siboyi duno ‘for Sibo’
ata iniu duno ‘for our (excl. prn. & excl. pl.) village’
  ovo(yi) duno ‘for (the) pig’
  cühelimüi(yi) duno ‘for (the) family’
ocü duno ‘for (the) house’
larücü duno ‘for (the) school’
The Genitive

The genitive is expressed typically by apposition, the genitival preceding the substantive. In an atypical but distinctly possible case, however, the genitival descriptive of property ownership/alienable possession, one of the multitudinous meanings it expresses, may be morphologically but redundantly marked. The genitive neutralizes the following meanings and cases.

1.  human relationship

(i)a. consanguineous


 ni1 pfo2 your (sg.) 1 father2
a1 pfü2 my1 mother2

(ii)  affinal


a1 cümüi2 my1 wife2
cakho1 cümüi 2 Chakho’s1 wife2

(iii)  collateral


pfo dzürieo ‘his brother’

b. nonkin


 a kosoo ‘my friend’
kaikho ja ‘Kaikho’s teacher’


 alienable possession or



honi cü  ‘Thoni’s house’
losü larü ‘Losü’s book/paper’
ata larü korüo ‘our (excl. prn. & excl. pl.) writer’
ahishu vo  ‘Athisu’s pig’
pfo cuipüi saba ‘my sister’s shawl’

3. inalienable or natural possession


manini hi) ‘Manini’s eyes’
lopüi pfüphe ‘her body’
a pfo cuipüi ‘my father’s sister’

4. belongingness


at ocü ojü ‘our (excl. prn. & excl. pl.) nation’
ita rüzhü  ‘our (incl. prn. & excl. pl.) clan’
nita iniu ‘our (excl. pl.) village’
    pfo zhi


‘her share’


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