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pfo1 ayi2 akuo3 mikrüli4 larü modoe5
  he1 studied5 with3 me2 in Imphal4


 ni1 pfoyi2 akuo3 odo so-hio4
  you (sg.)1 dance2 with3 her4


 heni1 pfo2 pfüyi3 akuo4 hrü-we5
  Heni1 lives5 with4 his2 mother3

{ *-yi akuo }4


cf. heni1 pfo2 pfü3 {                   }

bue 5

{    he          }


Heni 1 is5 with4 his2 mother3

  (where the verb is stative)


 izho deni1 ai2 ahikho-yi3

akuo4 larübvü5 kali6 rü-o bue7

nowadays1, I2 am writing7 a6

 book5 together with4 Athikho3

In each of the examples above, the referent of the subject NP and the akuo marked NP are equal in semantic primacy and perform the same activity. This notional equality is the reason why both the subject NP and the akuo- marked NP must be either human or nonhuman animates : it can not be that one of them is human but the other nonhuman. Thus,


.1.  ni1 ni2 cümüiyi3 akuo4 vuo 5
    you (sg.)1 come5 with4 your 2 wife3


 ni1 ni2 si-yi3 akuo4 vu-o5
    you1 come5 with4 your3 dog2


silo1 sükrüyi 2 akuo3 tae4
    the male dog1 went4 with3 the female dog 2


 silo1 losüyi2 akuo3 tae4
    the male dog1 went4 with3 Losü (a human proper noun2 )


cakho1 pfo2 cümüiyi3 akuo4 odo so-e5
    Chakho1 is dancing5 with4 his2 wife3


 cakho1 pfo2 siyi3 akuo4 odo so-e5
    Chakho1 is dancing5 with4 his2 dog3

The Comitative

The commutative expresses a situation of social getting together where one of the two participants - curiously not necessarily the one purveyed by the subject - is dependent on the other NP (that it is in comitative relationship with) who functions as the guide, guardian, godfather etc., and, equally importantly, the two may or may not, but typically are not, engaged in the same activity. It is expressed by the frozen sa-o the conjunctive participial form of the verb sa ‘to take along living beings’

510 ai1 a2 dzürieo-yi3 sao4 larü modoe5
  I1 studied5 with4 my2 elder brother3

would mean that the referent of the subject NP was dependent on, probably stayed with, the referent of the sao-marked NP and typically while the speaker studied, the elder brother did not, but was engaged in his own work. The example that follows illustrates the subject NP, being higher in a scale of semantic primacy, performing the role of a guide.


ai1 a2 ahihoo-yi3 sao4 larü modoe5
  I1 studied5 with4 my2 younger brother3

The divergence of the activity engaged in is, however, not true with certain verbs - eg. movement verbs whose semantics requires that their players be engaged in the same action. Thus,


1.  vokrü-na-i1 oo-khru-yi-i2 sao3 ta-e5
    the female pig1 is going5 with4 (its) young ones2


2.  ni1 sanni2 sao3 vu-o4
    you (sg.)1 come4 with3 Sanny2

Both the NP’s in each of the above sentences are per force engaged in the same activity, and when that is the case, it is invariably the referent of the subject NP which is primary and the controller and it is the other NP which is secondary, and the controlled, and which is lower in prestige, class, physical fitness etc. The comitative which becomes alienable, acquirable possession with inanimate NP’s is marked lexically in the verb pfo ‘to take’. The commutative with stative verbs is expressed by he ‘near’


1.  loosü1 a2 he3 bue4
    it (dim.)1 is4 with3 me2


ahikho1 he2 -hi1 omüi3 pajü4 bue5

there are5 many4 people3 with2 Athikho1



 larübvü1 -na-i2 pfo3 he4 bue5
    the2 book1 is5 with4 him3


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