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13.  duka1 (he)-püi/po2 -no3 from3 (the) direction of 2 (the) shop 1
14.  dimaapur 1 (he)-püi/po2 -no3  from3 (the) direction of 2 Dimapur 1
15.  puhe-no from near (nearest, adjacent)
16.  kahi hi-no from near
17 hebvo he-no from near (next nearest)
18 he-no from near (third nearest)

 larücü puhe-no

from near (the) school (nearest)
  kah*-he-no    from near (the) school
  hebve he-no  from near (the) school (next nearest)
  he-no from near the school (the farthest of the lot)

Notice the behavior of -li ending homonyms : they do not take he ‘near’ because li, the locative case marker is a frozen part of the word.


 { imeli-no }  
  { *imeli heno } ‘from Mao’
  {*khiboli no } ‘from Kohima’
  {*khiboli heno}  
   {mikrüli-no } ‘from Imphal’
  { *mikrü he-no}  

imeli1 puhe2 -no3

 from3 very near2 Mao1

kahi)1 he2 -no3

 from3 near2 Mao1

hebve1 he2 -no3

from nearMao
  (nearest / next to puhe-no)


 ‘in front’


ni12 pra3 he4 -no5  from5 (the) near4 -front of 3 your 1 house2 2 3
  ni cü pra li-no ‘from the front of your house’
  ni cü pra püi/po-no ‘from the direction of the front of your house’


phrases under 504 and 505 are difficult to translate into English.


 okhru under
ozü1 khru2 -li-no3 from4 under2 (the) cot1
ozü1 khru 2 he3 -no4 from4 under2 near3 (the) cot1
  ozü1 khru2 po/püi3 -no4 from4 the direction of 3 under2 the cot1

The Ablative of Time
The ablative of time is marked by he-no for - ending nouns and by -no for other nouns.


1.  baji cü he-no ‘since 10 o’clock’


hiu-no ‘since morning’


 mozhal opfü-no ‘since October’


 ideko-no ‘since last year’


izho-no ‘since/from today’


 ico-no  ‘from now’

The Ablative of person
The ablative of person is marked by he-no, as should be obvious.
507 1.  omüi1 he-no2bii·i3kali4kolio5
  ask(from)2(the)man1for a4 beedi3
  2.  modokapina1 he2 -i3 -no2 larübvü4 -i5 kohio6
  Ask6 (from)2 the3 teacher1 for6 the5 book(s)4
  3.  ai1 omüi2 he3 -hi4-no3
    I1 asked6 (from)3 the4 man2 (the) way5

Still more abstract sources (eg. of state) as in an English sentence like
‘he grew from a flippant boy into a responsible adult’
are not expressed in terms of the ablative.
The Sociative
The sociative indicates a social getting together of the referents of two or more animate NP’s. Realised with nonstative verbs, it is expressed by the postposition aku-o ‘together with’ when the two participants are equally important notionally and are doing the same activity - a true sociative :
508 1.   vokrü-na-i1 volo-yi2 akuo3 ta-e 4
     the female pig1 is going4 with 3 (the) male pig2


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