e. |
‘onto/on top |
hiophehi |
hihĩophehi |
hikhruophehi(?) |
of dim’ |
hikhruophehi(?) |
f. |
(i)‘onto/on top |
hinaophehi |
hinahĩophehi(?) |
hikhruophehi(?) |
of dim |
hita(khru) o- |
material entity’ |
phehi(?) |
(ii) ‘onto/on top
of dim. hum. |
masc. |
g. |
‘onto/on top |
hipüihi)ophehi(?) |
hikhruophehi(?) |
of dim. hum. fem. |
16. |
‘from on top’ |
hiphehino |
hiphekhruhino |
hiphetahino / |
hitaphehino |
a. |
from on top
of |
himüiphehino |
__ |
hikhrumüiphehino |
human person’ |
hitamüiphehino |
hitakhrumüiphehino |
b. |
(i) from on top of |
hinaphehino |
hikhrudhehino |
material entity |
hitaphehino |
hitakhruphehino |
(ii) ‘from on top |
of hum. masc.’ |
c. |
‘from on top of |
hipüiphehino |
__ |
hum. fem.’ |
d. |
‘from on top |
hiophehino |
hihĩophehino |
hiokhruphe |
of dim.’ |
hino(?) |
hiotaphehino(?) |
hiotakhruphe |
hino(?)’ |
17. |
ova |
a. |
‘on exterior |
hivahi |
hihĩvahi |
hikhruvahi |
surface’ |
hitavahi |
hitakhruvahi |
b. |
‘on exterior |
himüivahi |
hikhrumüivahi |
surface of |
human person’ |
c. |
‘on exterior |
__ |
surface of hum. fem.’ |
d. |
‘on exterior |
hinavahi |
__ |
surface of |
(i) hum. masc. |
(ii) material entity’
e. |
‘on exterior
hiovahi |
hikhruovahi |
surface of dim.’ |
hitaovahi |
hitakhruovahi |
18. |
va - no |
a. |
‘from the exterior |
hivahino |
hihĩvahino |
hikhruvahino / |
surface of’ |
hivakhruhino |
b. |
‘from the exterior |
himüivahino |
hikhrumüivahino |
surface of human |
hitamüivahino |
person’ |
hitakhrumüiva |
hino |
c. |
‘from the exterior |
surface of |
(i) hum. masc. |
hinavahino |
__ |
(ii) material entity
d. |
‘from the exterior |
hipüivahino |
__ |
surface of hum. |
fem. |
e. |
‘from the exterior |
hiovahino |
hihĩovahino |
hiokhruvahino(?) |
surface of dim.’ |
19. |
duno |
‘because of’ |
hidu(hi)no |
hihĩdu(hi)no(?) |
hikhrudu(hi)no |
hitadu(hi)no |