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When pronouns are used as the object of the sentence agentive or nominative markers are not added.
-n n à-là
I-nom you see-present I see you
In the above example, n¢ is the object hence does not take the nominative marked as it is in the accusative case which is unmarked. Demonstrative Pronouns :
  The system of demonstrative pronouns in Lotha distinguishes for two kinds of spatial distance (1) speaker proximate demonstrative pronoun which refers to objects that are near to the speaker (2) Remote demonstrative pronoun which refers to objects that are away from the speaker, they may be visible or not visible but known. Demonstrative pronouns are ‘this’ (proximate demonstrative pronoun) and c ‘that’ (remote demonstrative pronoun). These are free forms.

1. pnóy
    teacher this this teacher
2. pnóy c
teacher that that teacher
If the number marker occurs with the demonstrative pronouns it is added in the end.
1. pnóy
   teacher this-pl these teachers
2. pnóy c
    teacher that-pl those teachers

and c are demonstrative pronouns but function like demonstrative adjectives as shown in the above examples. Interrogative pronouns :

  Interrogative pronouns of Lotha are as follows :

1. chò - ‘who - whose’ whom, what’
2. kmóy - ‘which’

1. mp chó - là
    he who-present  who (is) he ?
2. np chó- là
she who - present who (is) she ? Reflexive pronouns :
  These pronouns are formed by the addition of the suffix -pp meaning ‘self’ to any pronoun. This reflexive suffix -pp is added only to the pronoun and not to the nouns.


1. pp   I myself
    n pp you yourself
      pp we ourselves
    mpp he himself
   npp she herself
2. jhn n lhì c mpp tsh -chò
John-nom work the he self do-past
Jonn did the work himself.
In the above examples, it can be noticed that the suffix -pp is added only to the pronoun and not to the noun. When the reflexive suffix occurs with the third person pronoun the first syllable of the suffix is dropped.







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