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mp + pp mpp he himself
np + pp npp she herself
Some more examples of the reflexive pronouns are given below :
1. mp-n      mpp    s-chò
    he-nom himself beat-past
    He beat himself

2. mp-n    kákò   mótsà   mpp   pí-chò
   he-nom book a himself give-past
   He gave a book to himself

3. mp-n   mpp   kìsì   mótsà   hn-chò
   he-nom himself picture a see-past
   He saw a picture of himself

4. mp-n   mpp   s-hn-chò
    he-nom himself beat-want-past
    He wanted to beat himself

5. mp-n   jn   mpp   s-hun-chò
    he-nom John himself beat or hit-want-past
    He wanted John to hit himself

In all the above examples, reflexive form is not used.
1. mp-n   mp   kà-thìì   vó-chò
he-nom his sister-with go-past
He went with his sister
2. mp-n mp kísì hn-chò
he-nom his picture see-past
He saw his picture

In example No. 1) it may mean ‘he went with his own sister or someone’s sister. In example (No. 2) it may mean he saw his own picture or someone’s picture.


Reflexive pronouns can also take case markers, these are added to the reflexive pronoun forms.

1. pp tskn
   myself for for myself
2. mpp tskna
    himself for for himself
3. -n   kákò  mótsà   app    tskn rán-chò
I-nom   book     a           myself   for   write-past
I wrote a book for myself Indefinite pronouns :
  Following are few examples of Indefinite pronouns. These pronouns do not refer to a definite person or thing but to some person or thing. Indefinite pronouns are tra, thmpò.


tr ‘some’

1. póy tr
man some some man
2. lóy tr
woman some some woman
3. f tr
dog some some dog
4. ólù tr
stone some some stone

thmpò ‘another’

1. póy thmpò
man another another man







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