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  4.8.1. Adverbs of place :
1. hlò or sá here$
2. c there
3. k where
4. s after
5. slán behind
6. k down
7. mháwè up
8. mh¡tì front
9. chì inside
10. h¡phy outside
11. ntò near
12. hpy this side
13. cvy that side
14. ky whi ch side
4.8.2. Adverbs of time
1. kth       when
2. nchì         today
3. cà            tomorrow
4. nts           yesterday
5. mlánì           evening

4.8.3. Adverbs of manner
nzánsì         kindly

4.9. Derivation :
  Suffixes in Lotha can be divided into types, 1. Inflectional 2. Derivational. Inflectional suffixes are those which are inflected for number, case tense, aspect and mood. Derivational suffixes are those by the addition of which grammatical class of that word is changed.

In Lotha, words can be derived in two ways,
1. By the addition of derivational suffixes to other words.
2. By word compounding.


4.9.1. By the addition of suffixes
  In Lotha, nouns can be derived either from the verb or adjective or from another noun by the addition of derivative suffixes, viz.,
1. Verb + Noun forming suffix = Noun (verbal noun)
2. Adjective + Noun forming suffix = Noun (abstract noun)
3. Noun + Noun forming suffix = Noun (abstract noun) Verbal nouns :
  Verbal nouns are derived by the addition of noun forming suffix -lá to the imperative form of the verb.

1. tsà       dig (a hole)       tsà-lá     digging
2. kyá       cry                  kyá-lá    crying
3. rá       roll                  rá-lá     rolling
4. vn      sow (seed)       vn-lá   sowing
5. sátà      catch               sátà-là   catching
6. zà         count               zà-lá      counting
7. mhná    heal                 mhn-lá   healing
               (as a wound)
8. hà        swim                h-lá      swimming Adjectival nouns :
  These nouns are derived by the addition of noun forming suffix -ù to the adjectival base. When noun forming suffix is







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