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-n kákò mótsà n-lí-v
I nom book a neg-have-future
I shall not have a book

When the verb is used to negate the non-imperative forms of verbs, use of future tense marker is obligatory as shown in the above examples.

Adjectives also take the negative marker n- but they are not verbs as they do not take tense/aspect/mood markers.

pnóy   mhm
teacher    good           good teacher

pnóy   n-mhm
teacher-neg-good    bad teacher

b. t-occurs with the verbs in the imperative.

1. V go
    t-v do not go
    n-n n-kì t-v
you nom you-home neg-imp.
    Do not go to your home

2. kh read
    t¢-kh¡ do not read

3. pà give
   t pà do not give

4. pnà teach
    t pnà do not teach



4.7.2. Free negatives :


a. mk is used to negate the statements. It always occurs at the end of a sentence.


1. mp kh
    he my friend
    He (is) my friend
    mp khmò mk
    he my friend not
    He (is) not my friend

2. mp-n pnóy ts
    he-nom teacher a
    He (is) a teacher
    mp-n pnóy tska mk
    he-nom teacher a not
    He (is) not a teacher

3. kákò c h
    book the here
    The book (is) here
    kákò c hlò mk
    book the here not
    The book is not here

  b. m° is used to negate when there is an offer from somebody to do some thing.

1. n-n ótsì ts-lò ?
    you-nom rice eat-interr
    Do you eat rice ?
    m m
no no
  4.8. Adverbs :
  Adverbs are the classes of words which are used to modify the meaning of a verb. They occur before the verbs and are indeclinable. Adverbs are divided into different groups as follows : 1. Adverbs of place 2. Adverbs of time 3. Adverbs of Manner







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