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2. mp-n  kákò kh-lò ?
He-nom book read-Interr
Does he read book ?

4.5.4. Probability :
  It expresses the probability of the action denoted by the verb. Structure of the verb in probability is as follows :

1. -n ótsì ts-kk-là
I-nom rice eat-may-pres
    I may eat rice

2. -n kákò mótsà kh-kk-là
I-nom book a read may pres
I may read a book

3. mp-n ótsì ts-nrá-là
He-nom rice eat-must-pres
    He must eat rice

4.5.5. Optative :
  It may express a desire, permission or request. Optative marker is tókà. Different meanings like permission, request etc are expressed by different intonation in Lotha.

1. mp ts-tókà
him eat-let
    Let him eat

1. mp  rán-tókà
him write-let
    Let him write

3. w-tókà
me go-let
    Let me go


4.6. Infinitive :

   Infinitive is expressed by a marker -¡ which is prefixed to the verb.


  Examples (for present)
1. -n -kh -hà-là
I-nom to-read want-pres
   I want to read

2. -n -z-hà-là
I-nom to-see want-pres
   I want to see

 3. -n -sáárì hà-là
I-nom to dance-want-present
    I want to dance

4.7. Negation :
  In Lotha, negation is expressed by the addition of negative suffixes to the verbs. There are four markers to indicate the negation. They are as follows :

1. n- 2. t¢- 3. m®k 4. m°

These negative marker can be divided into two groups i.e. 1. Bound 2. Free. n- and t- are bound forms as they cannot occur independently, mk and m are free forms as they can occur independently.

Examples (for present)
1. -n ótsì ts -là
I-nom rice eat-pres
   I eat rice or I am eating rice

   -n ótsì n-ts -là
I-nom rice neg-eat-pres
   I do not eat rice

2. mp°-n¡ n¢ tsá-là
He-nom you call-pres
    He calls you or He is calling you

    mp°-n n n-tsá-là
He-nom you neg-call-pres
    He does not call you







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