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1. -n vv I shall go
I-nom go-future
2. -n má-v
I-nom laugh-future I shall laugh
Following are some more examples of intransitive verbs.

1. khkthév to sit (on the ground)
2. ts to run away
3. to die
4.1.1. d. Transitive
  Transitive verbs are those which are used with a direct object.

1. -n      ótsì     ts-là
I-nom   rice      eat-present    I eat rice

Following are some of the verbs which are transitive.

1. pù  to cut a rope
2. plámò to repay a loan
3. pk to strike
4. phyv to say
5. témò to sing
6. kháv  to count

4.1.1. c. Causative

  Causative verbs are those which have two agents of which one causes the other to do. Causative verbs are derived from the transitive or intransitive by the addition of causative suffix -t°k¡.


1. tsv to eat
tsv-tk   cause to eat
2. khv to sweep
khv-tk   cause to sweep
3. tshv to do
tshv-tk cause to do
4. wv to go
wv-t cause to go
5. máv  to laugh
máv-tk cause to laugh
1. -n mr np-tshán nsk-tk-chò
I-nom Mary her-hair comb-cause-past
   I caused Mary to comb her hair

2. -n Gpl Jn p-tk-chò
I-nom Gopal money John give-causative-passt
   I caused Gopal to pay money to John

3. -n ññ mótsà l-tk-chò
I-nom goat a fall-causative-past

4. -n nhòrì c n ts-tk-là
I-nom child the sweet eat-cause-present
   I cause the boy to eat sweet

5. -n kr-c y-tk-là
I-nom horse-the run-cause-present
   I cause the horse to run

In the above sentences, it can be noticed that causative marker -tk is used with the full form in the present tense and final - of the suffix is dropped in the past tense as shown in the examples 4 and 5.

  4.2. Voice :
  In Lotha, passive is formed by the addition of a passive marker nà. Verb does not undergo any change. In the







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