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Numerals thirty, forty and sixty can be segmented as follows :
thm - allomorph of cardinal numeral three i.e. thm

Thirty :
-rò allomorph of cardinal numeral ten i.e. tárò
thm + rò = tmrò ‘thirty’

Forty :
- allomorph of cardinal numeral four i.e. m
- rò allomorph of cardinal numeral ten
i.e. tárò
+ rò = rò forty

Sixty :
rók - allomorph of cardinal numeral six i.e. trók
-rò allomorph of cardinal numeral ten i.e. tárò
rók + rò = rókrò ‘sixty’

Numerals for twenty i.e. myùkyù and for fifty i.e. tñán are monomorphemic and are not segment able.

(2) Numerals seventy, eighty and ninety are formed by the addition of cardinal forms of numerals for seven, eight and nine, this can be explained as follows :

Seventy :
17 is a numeral in which there are two components i.e. 1 and 7. Component No. 1 is in the decimal position counting from left to right, Hence, number ‘1’ is equal to ten, the first component is seven, so 10 x 7 = 70.

khà tíyì = 10 x 7 ‘seventy’
Same rule can be applied to eighty and ninety

khà tzà = 10 x 8 = eighty
hà tkù = 10 x 9 = ninety

  Numeral form for ‘seventy one’ would be khà tíyìkhà ‘seventy and one = Seventy one. Same rule is applicable for other numerals also.

Numeral for ninety one is khà tkù sì ékhà

10 x 9 + 1 like that it continues up to 99, the word for 100 is nz à, counting for 101 is done as hundred and one.

nz°à s¢  ®khà hundred and one
nz°à s¢  ®nì hundred and two

 Cardinal numerals referring to human beings have separate forms i.e. nch°à and ts«Ükà, but the use of these forms is optional

kyón ncgà or kyón mótsà one man
man one (person)
kyón nchù nì or kyón two men etc.
man (person) two
kyón nchù thm three men
man (person) three
kyón ts one man
man one
kyón ótsk two persons
man (person) two
In the above examples nchà and ótsk are the full forms but nchù and tská are the shorter forms. When an adjective is added to this numeral, adjective comes before -nchà.







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