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3. °vó-c ótù-ìná lá là
leaf-the-pl tree from fall-pres
The leaves fall from the tree
4. -n yán-lòná cà y-v
I-nom village-from tomorrow come-fut
I shall come from the village tomorrow Sociative :
  This case denotes association with some body. The sociative markers are (1) phn (2) -nz, phn is used in the sense of accompanying some one and -nz° is used in the sense of going together.

1. n jhn-pn khm- vó-chò
   I-nom John-with kohima-to go-past
   I went to Kohima with John
2. np-n np- nzò sáárì-chò
   he-nom her-with dance-past
   He danced with her
3. árò rò c yò-nzò vn-là
   child the mother-with live-pres
   The child lives with the mother
4. -n pò nzò vn-là
   I-nom my father with live-pres
   I live with my father

3.10.2. Absence of markers


Following case relations are expressed by the absence of case marker i.e. they are unmarked - they are as follows :

1) Accusative 2) Dative 3) Genitive. Accusative :
  This case denotes mainly the direct object of the transitive verb.
1. mp-n hà-là
he-nom me sees me He sees me
2. -n mp hà-là
I-nom him see-pres I see him
3. Jn-n mp lthá-chò
John-nom him kill-past John killed him
4. árò c n mp hà-là
child pl-nom him see pres Children see him
5. -n ms cá sà-là
we-nom cow pl beat-pres We beat cows
In the above examples , mp, mscá are unmarked for case. Dative :
   This case is used for the indirect object of the transitive verb
1. -n mp pí-chò
I-nom money him give-past
I gave him money
2. -pó-n hntk-chò
my-father-nom money me send-past
My father has sent me money
3. -n ókò mp pí-chò
I-nom pig him give-past
In the above examples mp, and mp are in dative case. Genitive :


This case expresses the meaning of belonging to or possession of some thing by the subject of the sentence.








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