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  This case denotes the being in whose interest the action indicated by the verb is done. This case is expressed by tskn.

1. -n y-tsñkñn tskrò thán sáí-chò
   I-nom my wife-for ornaments new buy-past
   I bought new ornaments for my wife.
2. -n mp-tskn ótsì p-là
    l-nom him-for rice give-pres
    I give food (i.e. cooked rice) for him
3. -n tsvy-tsñkn nurà chánché-chò
    I-nom my-son for my feel-past
    I felt story for my son
4. mp-tsknlò tí-và
    his-for here neg-come
    Do not come for him Allative : 
  This case denotes the goal to be achieved or achieved by the subject. This case is expressed by -, lò and thì. - and lò are in variation and occur with the inanimate nouns.

1. -n khù-ì vó-chò
   I-nom river to go-past
   I went to the river
      -na khù-lò vó-chò
   I went to the river
2. mp-n skl-ì vó-chò
    he-nom school-to go past
    He went to the school
-thìì occurs with the animate nouns.
1. -n tktr-thì vó-chò
   I-nom Doctor to go-past
   I went to the Doctor.
2. mp-n -thìì r-là
    he-nom me-to come-present
    He comes to me.
This case also denotes the goal to be achieved by the subject.
1. -n wkh-ì vó-v
   I-nom wokha-to go-future
   I will go to wokha.
   -n khm-lò vó-v
 I will go to kohima. Ablative :
   This case expresses the meaning that the object in question moves from one place to another either at the spatial plane or at the temporal plane. It denotes the source. This case suffix is formed out of the combination of allative and instrumental markers i.e. ì + ná = ìná or lá + ná = lòná or thìì + ná = thììná. Conditioning factors are the same as for allative. i.e., ìná or lòná occurs with inanimate nouns, thììná occurs with animate nouns,

1. -n kì-lòná vóchò
   I-nom house-from go-past
   I went from the house
2. mp-n -thììná kónì vn-là
    he-nom me-from for live-pres
    He lives far away from me







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