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/ n / is the voiced alveolar nasal. It has the allophones [ ] which is the voiced dental nasal, [ n ] which is the alveolar nasal and [ ń  ] which is the palatal nasal.
[ n ] occurs    
i) initially before vowels    
[ naromi ]   ‘brain’
ii) medially between vowels    
[ ji:nu ]    ‘saddle’
iii) medially in gemination    
[ kannu ]    ‘eye’
iv) medially in clusters    
[ barna ]    ‘lines on the cobra’s head’
[ ņ ] occurs    
v) before the dental stop    
[ a>de:ri ]   ‘darkness’
[ ń ] occurs    
vi) before the homorganic affricate    
[ pańćada:ra ]   ‘sugar’ 

/ / has the allophone [ ņ ].
It is the retroflex nasal. It occurs
i) medially between vowels    
[ ja:leņi ]   ‘sieve with big holes’
ii) medially before homorganic stop    
[uņa ]    ‘pulley’
iii) medially in clusters    
[ ja:ņwa ]   ‘twin’ 

/ ń / has the allophone [ ń ].
It is the voiced velar nasal. It occurs in the environments given below.
i) medially in gemination    
[ bańńa:ra ]   ‘gold’
ii) medially before homorganic stop    
[ ańga ]   ‘body’
iii) medially in clusters    
[ mulńa ]    ‘drumstick’

/ v / is a voiced labio-dental fricative. It has the allophones [ w ] which is a voiced bilabial semi-vowel and [ v ] which is a labio-dental fricative.
[ v ] occurs in the following environments.    
i) initially before vowels    
[ ve:hņi ]   ‘hot’
ii) initially in clusters    
[ vra:li ]   ‘wither ( pr.p.)’
iii) medially between vowels when the vowel succeeding is fronted    
[ juve:ŗi ]   ‘yoke’
 [ w ] occurs    


medially between vowels when the vowel succeeding is back or central.  
[ ji:wu ]    ‘affection, love’



medially in clusters
[ sa:wka:ri ]    ‘money-lender’



[ pa:w ]   ‘quarter of a measure’ 

/ s / is the voiceless alveolar fricative. It has the allophones [ s ] which is a voiceless alveolar fricative and [ ś  ] which is a retroflex fricative.
[ s ] occurs    
i) initially before vowels    
[ sa: so ]    ‘wife’s elder sister’
ii) initially in clusters    
[ srińgiseppa ]    ‘ring worn on middle toe’
iii) medially between vowels    
[ evasi ]    ‘he (distant)’
iv) medially in gemination    
[ osso ]    ‘medicine’
v) medially in clusters    
[ kusti ]   ‘wrestling’
vi) finally    
[ po: lis ]    ‘police’
[ ś ] occurs    
vii) before retroflex stop    
[ ka śţomi ]   ‘difficulty’ 

/ h / has the allophone [ h ]
It is a glottal fricative. It occurs    
i) initially before vowels    
[ herra ]   ‘fodder’
ii) medially between vowels    
[ jo:ŗahà ]   ‘marriage messenger’
iii) medially in clusterrs    
[ kehla ]   ‘petal’
/ 1 / has the allophones [ 1 ], [ ]
[ 1 ] is the voiced alveolar lateral. [ ] is the voiced retroflex lateral


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