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/ r / has the allophone [ r ].
It is a voiced alveolar flap. It occurs    
i) initially before vowels    
[ rungu ]   ‘colour’
ii) medially between vowels    
[ ko:ru ]    ‘scraper’
iii) medially in clusters    
[ parpu ]   ‘bed’
iv) in initial clusters    
[ kri:yu ]   ‘ear’ 

/ ŗ / has the allophone [ŗ ]
It is a voiced retroflex flap. It occurs
i) initially before vowels
[ ŗĩ:virika ] ‘cold’
ii) in initial clusters
[ ma:lu ]  ‘hare’
iii) medially in clusters
[ koŗga ] ‘tender leaf’ 

/ y / has the allophone [ y ].
It is the voiced palatal semi-vowel. It occurs    
i) medially between vowels    
[ e:yu ]   ‘water’
ii) medially in gemination    
[ ayya ]   ‘mother’ 


Examples of two consonant clusters (including geminates)  / p /
pp Kappa 'frog'
Kapţa 'Leaves, bush'
pk Apka 'arrows'
p? go:rugo:p?eri 'nail disease'
tipņi 'tiffin'
pl Sipla 'Chips of Wood'
pr pro:ņo ‘grasshopper’
pŗa:li  ‘hive of bumblebee’
ph aphine ‘(it) is broken’
p apa:lu ‘papad’ 

/ b /
bb  sabbu ‘soap’
bg   ţubgi   ‘small tiger’
kappa ‘frog’
br kupţa ‘leaves, bush’
bd habda  ‘sound’
habŗa ‘crowbar’
b keba ‘wild buffalo’
bl pajji tubli  ‘small tiger’ 
/ t /
tp   jatpuri    ‘golden ornament worn in hair’
tt    ettu   ‘height’
tk   vetki a:himanne   ‘(it) is fluttering’
t?   ka:ŗrini sit?eri   ‘species of mouse’


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