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final close syllables, (ii) in close monosyllabic words and (iii) finally.
rkan arkan ‘cross (v)’
Ihap ihap ‘door, close door’
mha maha ‘face’
kam kám ‘work (N)’
kák kák ‘remove, fade’
čhIka chika ‘a hundred paise, one rupee’
tka taka ‘money’

/a/ is realized as [ ], a mean-mid central unrounded vowel: (i) initially except in monosyllabic words and (ii) in the non-final syllables of polysyllabic words.


rju arju ‘ask’
dUn adun ‘second’
thr athor ‘hole in earth’
chap achap ‘little’
prUm parum ‘collect, gather’
ldak ladak ‘here’
ppphar papaphar ‘make bloom’
pclai pacalay ‘joke (Tr.)’

/a/ is realized as [a], a low central unrounded vowel elsewhere [that is, (i) initially and medially in monosyllabic words, (ii) in final syllables of polysyllabic words and (iii) finally].

an an ‘cooked rice, meal’
cam cam ‘wash with water’
na na ‘you, your (sg.)’
Ita  ita ‘keep near fire/heat’
vam vam ‘waist’
rak rak ‘tie’
nopak nopak ‘a big knife called dao’
la la ‘he, she, it (Prox.)’
anta anta ‘yet’
hla hala ‘he, she, it (dist.)’

Back Vowels
/o/ has two allophones // and [o]. /o/ is realized as [], a lower-mid back rounded vowel
initially and medially in close syllables.
k ok ‘meat, fish’
o ‘mother’s brother’
j joy ‘be easy’
t n tón a basket’
pErt perot ‘make someone to cut’
damnn damnon ‘go (Imp.)’
th toh ‘yes’
nti onti ‘ear ring worn by men’

// is realized as [o], a high-mid back rounded vowel elsewhere.


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