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o o ‘abstain from doing something’
okrja okorja ‘unmarried woman’
mogj mogoj ‘brain’
ochò ochò ‘child’
cobE cobey ‘lie (N)’
co co ‘axe’
ho ho ‘take out’
hElovI helovi ‘far off’
arvo  arvo ‘leaf’

/u/ has two allophones [U] and {u]. /u/ is realized as /U/, a lower-high back rounded vowel in

the initial and medial positions.
U un ‘be able to’
Utcha utcah ‘enthusiasm’
thUr thur ‘wake up (Intr.)’
kIphUr  kiphur ‘dig up (potato)’
nUjk nujok ‘pillar’
pUlo pulo ‘say’
patUmi patumi ‘yesterday’
mUri muri ‘flute made of buffalo horn’

/u/ is realized as [u], a high-back rounded vowel in the final position.

bu bu ‘dull’
‘serve a respected person’
pUtu putu ‘tell (Imp.)’
mntu mantu ‘when’
kIthu kithu ‘cut with dao/sword’
phú phú ‘head’
mirphInu mirphinu ‘a flower’

Consonants :


/p/ is realized as [p], the voiceless bilabial stop everywhere.

pIni pini ‘today’
pEn pen ‘through’
pr i pari ‘sow seed in a small area’
hIpì hipì ‘ a fruit’
vopì vopì ‘hen’
jIrpò jirpò ‘male friend’
pEnap penap ‘tomorrow’
ap  ap ‘shoot’

/ph/ is realized as [ph], the voiceless bilabial aspirated stop which occurs only initially and

phú phú  ‘head’






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