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la ne nude ‘it is my umbrella’
la ne nude kali ‘it is not my umbrella’

In descriptive verbs, negation is formed by adding kali to the adjectival form of the verb or by adding e to the verb.
la pla lo
 ‘he is rich’
la plaple
 ‘he is not rich’
lacho aochopo hini
‘this boy is bad’
lacho aochopo hinone
‘this boy is not bad’
lacho aochopo kahino
 ‘this boy is not rich’
Active Verbs
The active verbs take the transitive, causative and the negative e.
dam ‘go’
damde ‘do not go’
pedam ‘make someone go’
jun ‘drink’
junje ‘do not drink’
pejun ‘make someone drink’
Intrasitives and Transitives
Transitive verbs take an object. Intransitive verbs do not take an object. Both the intransitive and transitive verbs in Karbi are primary.
thi jun
‘die (Intr.)’
‘drink (Tr.)’
ham co
arjap  ‘ta
ini nep
The causative marker is pv- and it indicates that the subject causes the object noun to do the action mentioned by the verb. All the causative verbs are derived. The causative can occur with both the intransitive and transitive verbs.
      la vo pithi
      ‘he kills (makes die) the bird’
      ne pechalo
      ‘I make (someone) rest’
      ocho an pecotha
      ‘feed (make eat) the child’
      ne lothe pemen
      ‘I ripen (make ripe) the banana’
       ne bi pivirdet
       ‘I lost (made lose) the goat
        ne la pacham
        ‘I cool (made cool) the water’





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