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General Remarks about Simple Adverbs
All these five categories of adverbs are known as simple adverbs. These adverbs describe the manner, the time and the locus of accomplishment of the actions suggested by the verbs. Of these five categories the first one is the dominant one and it has a large number of members.
There are a large number of adverbial expressions to describe actions in relation to specific actors by means of which appearance, nature, state, existence, characteristics etc. of the actions or actors can be conveyed to the hearer conveniently. It is interesting to note that Hmar uses some adjectivals referring to ‘big’, ‘small’, ‘quite’, ‘noisy’ etc. in reduplication to, infact, modify the action of the verb in a sentence. For example if there is a word /u:l/ ‘big’ in reduplicated form after a verb it will mean that the relevant subject noun does something ‘loudly’, ‘with force’ etc. The following examples given in pairs of sentences with broad. English gloss could be seen.
/á:r à khúo ú:l ù:l/ ‘cock crows big sound (=loudly)’
/á:r à khúoN á:l à:l/ ‘cock crows small sound(=mildly)’
/vàté à vúo dúoi dùoi/ ‘bird flies big (=fast)’
/vàté à vúo líei/díei/ ‘bird flies small(=slowly)’
/a tlá:n vù/ ‘he runs big (=much), and not go fast’
/a tlá:n vù/vè/ ‘he runs small (=little), quick and fast’
/a hú kú:k èl/ ‘he sits big’
/ahú ká:k èl/ ‘he sits small’
/á:n nám bùt/ ‘it smells big (=strong)’
/á:n nám bàt/ ‘it smells/small(=not so strong)’
The manner of production of any kind of sound or emanting any kind of smell could be described in this way. This can be done by the reduplicated use of some non-lexical items converging the senses as above. This is a peculiarity of Hmar
Derived Adverbs
Adverbs Derived from Nouns
A few adverbs of manner are derived from nouns by suffixing {-tin}. There does not seem to be any perceptible morphophonemic change. The following examples could be seen:





/kùm/ ‘year’ /kùm-tìn/ ‘yearly’
/ní/ ‘day’ /ní-tín/ ‘daily’
/sù:n/ ‘day’ /sù:n-tìn/ ‘daily’
/thlà/ ‘month’ /thlà-tìn/ ‘monthly’
/hàptá/ ‘week’ /hàptá-tín/ ‘weekly’
Adverbs Derived from Advectives
Ouite a large number of adverbs of manner are derived from adjectives by suffixing {-takin}. Here also no morphophonemic changes take place.





/ìndìk/ ‘correct’ /ìndìk-tákìn/ 'correctly'
/ìnrá/ ‘quick’ /ìnrá-tàkìn/ ‘quickly’
/hà/ ‘good’ /há-tákìn/ ‘well’
/fél/ ‘neat’ /fél-tàkìn/  ‘neatly’
/hán/ ‘bad’ /hán-àkìn/ ‘badly’
/ríùm/ ‘honest’ /ríúm-tàkìn/ ‘honestly’
/tlá/ ‘frank’ /tlá-tàkìn/ ‘frankly’
/th:klèkhàt/ ‘sudden’ /th:klèkhát-ìn/ ‘suddenly’
/hrát/ ‘speed’ /hrát-tàkìn/ ‘speedily, fast’
/dámté/ ‘slow’ /dámté-ìn >dámté:n/ ‘slowly’







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