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(i) Stative Adverb

/túhìn/ ‘now’
/là:i khàn/ ‘then’(at that time)
/hmá:ín/ ‘before’
/dài tàh/ ‘already’
/líemtàh/ ‘ago’
/kánthúk táh/ ‘since’
/ká:rloú-ìn/ ‘presently’
/s:ttàloú-ìn/ ‘soon’, ‘no longer waiting’
/vàkìn/ ‘soon’
/ìnrátàkàn/ ‘immediately’
/hà:lìn/ ‘instantly’
/ìnhmá (tákìn)/ ‘early’
/ìnhnú/(tákìn)/ ‘late(ly)’
/zòu-ì/hnúìn/ ‘afterwards’
/zà:ní/ ‘yesterday’
/visú:n/ ‘today’
/zí:áh/ ‘tomorrow’

(ii) Adverb of Fequency

/úmkhàt/ ‘once’
/úmhnì:/ ‘twice’
/úmthùm/ ‘thrice’
/n:k(re:k)/ ‘again’
/á:i mán:/ ‘seldom’
/á:in:/ ‘never’
/zeu zeu/ ‘sometimes’
/zie (hlak)/ ‘always’
/inzí/ún/hlàk/ ‘often’
/à hmàsátàkìn/ ‘firstly’
/à páhnì:ná(ah)/ ‘second(ly)’
Adverb of Place
The adverbs which refer to the place where the actions suggested by the main verbs take place and which, in some sense, modify the verbs are known as adverbs of place. These also could be discussed under two sub categories such as - (i) interrogative and (ii) stative. Given below are few examples:
Interrogative Averbs

/kh:lá:m/kh:lá:iám/ ‘where’
/kh:lá:iták àm/ ‘where actually’
/kh lá:iatá:i àm/ ‘where’, ‘which places’
Some more interrogative adverbs being used in sentences could be seen from the following examples:
/ìetìk   khán   ám   à     hú     à/
(when)   (at/by)  (Ø)   (he)   (stay)  (come)(he)
‘when did he come?’

/iè      cén       ám  à    úm/cá: m dì/
(what)  (duration) (Ø)  (he)  (stay) (remain) (will)
‘how long will he remain’

/khlá:ià ìnthká hú àm á ná:/
(where from) (from) (come) (Ø) (he) (is)
‘where has he come from’

/kh:láa:m á c:l á/
(where) (he) (stop) (he)
‘where is he going?’

/úi cù ìeáà ìnzíà ìnàk ám á ná/
(dog) (the) (how) (ofen) (bank) (Ø) (he) (is)
‘how often did the dog bark ?’

/mí ìezá:m án hù á?/
(person) (how many) (they) (come) (Ø)
‘how many persons came?’







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