Download Hmar Book Verbal Participial
Hmar manifests some kind of participials which functions as conjunctions. Such participial are constructed by suffixing {-ìn}, {là:i} or {-làiin}, {-pùmin} etc.
When in a sentence there occur two verbs in sequence, Hmar suffixes {-in} to the verb the action of which procedes the other: e.g.
/bufa:k zo-in (or khpin) sikulah kafe:/
(rice eat) after (satisfying) (school) (I go)
‘after eating rice, I go to school’

/thu: cu hrilin a:nnui rak a/
(word) (the) (telling)(he laugh) (loud is)
‘narrating the story he laughed loudly’

/do:ka:na ha fe:in l:mman cu a d/
(stage at) (up) (going) (prize) (the) (he) (receive)
‘walking to the stage he received the prize’

{-la:i, -la:iin}, {-pu
When during the spell of occurrence of an action of a verb, some other action takes place, {-la:i/-la:iin}, {-pumin} etc. are suffixed to the verb expressing the first action. e.g.
/sìkúla ìnthká kà húkì:r là:iàn lèkhàbú ká hù ci/
(school at) (from) (I) (return) (while) (book) (I) (bring)
‘while returning from school, I brought a book’

/bù ká fà:k lài(in) ká hnùkàh àrú: á:ntà:/
(rice) (I) (eat) (while) (I) (throat) (at)(fist bone) (it stuck)
‘while eating rice, a fish bone got struck up in my throat’

/bù fá:k pùmìn ìnnúi nó: ròh/
(rice) (eat) (while) (laugh) (not) (imp)
‘while eating rice, do not laugh’
It may be noted that the continuous action is indicated by {ìn-}.
Since the verb system in Hmar is not inflectional, the non-finate verbs also show no complexity. In most cases two clauses could just be joined without affecting any change to the finate verb of the first clause.
A Note On contraction Of Verb Phrase
In Hmar, some words are conveniently contracted and such contractions have come to be accepted so such so that they ave come to be considered as words by themselves. Consider the sentence:

/fè: ká tìh/ ‘I will go’

This is a sentence expressing future intention. The original express. íon, which is now obsolete, would have been:

/fè:   di   ká  nìh/        'I will go'
(go) (furture) (I) (am)

/th: ká tìh/ ‘I will do’ from /th ká nìh/
/lá: ká tìh/ ‘I will take’ from /ládí ká nìh/
/tí: í tìh/ ‘you will say’ from /tí dín ì nìh/
/fá: á tìh/ ‘he will eat’ from /fá dí á nìh/
From the above, it is seen that all verbs ending in vowels can take the contracted form to express future intention. However nouns ending in a consonant do not undergo such changes.







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