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The construction of infinitives in Hmar is very interesting. Here the main verb /huom/ occurs as the last constituent and the subordinate verb, which is practically embedded, precedes it. For

/thípùi ká d:n nùom/ ‘I like to drink tea’
(tea)(I) (drink) (lkie to)
/fútb:l an ìnhnèl nùom/ ‘they like to play football’
(football) (they)(play)(like to)
/á fè: nùom/ ‘she wants to go’
(she) (go) (wants to)
/hlásák à núom/ ‘she likes to sing’
(sing song) (she) (likes to)
In other words, the infinitives just in the simple present tense verb form precedes the main verb and the main verb takes some marker to indicate that the expression of some other verb is embedded in it.
Alternative Forms of Infinitive Mood
/tùm/ is also suffixed to replace /nùom/ to indicate intention to do the action. This is just an alternant.
For examples:

/thípùi d:n á tùm/ ‘he/she intends to drink tea’
(tea) (drink)(he/she)(intend to)
/fútb:l ìnhnèl án tùm/ ‘they intend to play football’
(football)(play)(they)(intend to)
/fè: á tùm/ or,
(go)(he/she))intends to)
/á fè: tùm/
(he/she)(go)(intends to)
‘he/she intends to go’
/hlásák á tùm/ or,
(song sing)(he/she)(intends to)
/hlá á sàk tùm/
(song)(he/she)(sing)(intends to)
‘he/she intends to sing’
But the meaning changes altogether in the following:
/à hlásák tùm/ ‘the song which he/she
(he/she)(song sing) (intends to) intends to sing’
/á fè: tùmná/ ‘the place where she/he
(he/she)(go)(intends to-place) intends to go’
Morpho-phonemic change in Verb stems
Some verb stems in Hmar obtain oblique forms when post positions to represent different tenses, moods, aspects etc. follow them. At least 3 verb stems show this kind of behavior. It has not been possible to capture the rules for this change. They are so diverse that it is better to present all the possible variations of these three verb stems below:
1. /hrìet/

‘to know’

   /kà hríet/ ‘I know’
   /kà hríet nh/ ‘I don’t know’
   /tú:m à hríe?/ ‘who knows?’
   /hríe í tí?/ ‘will you know?’
   /hríe ká tìh/ ‘I shall know’
   /hré rh/ ‘know (it)’
   /hré n: r:h/ ‘do not know (it)’
2. /vùok/

‘to beat’

   /kà vúok nh/ ‘I do not beat (him)’
   /tú:m à vúo ?/ ‘who beat (him/it)’
   /vúo ká tìh/ ‘I shall beat’
   /v rh/ ‘beat (him/it)’
3. /bìek/

‘to speak to’, ‘to worship’

    /ka bíek tàh/ ‘I spoke to him’
    /tú:m à bíe ?/ ‘who spoke to him ?’
    /tú:m à bétu?/ ‘who is the worshipper (of him)’
    /và bé rh/ ‘(go and) speak to him’
    /bíe ká tìh/ ‘I will speak to him’







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