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and with-zero realization function as verbs. The following examples could be seen:
Simple Verbs


Complex or derived verbs


/én/ ‘see’ /ìn-én-tìr/ ‘cause x to see’
/tìem/ ‘read’ /ìn-tìem-tír/ ‘cause x to read’
/a:ìthlá:k/ ‘hear’ /ìn-a:ìthlá:ktìr/ ‘cause x to hear’
/fá:k/ ‘eat’ /ìn-fá:k-tìr/ ‘cause x to eat’
/th/ ‘do’ /ìn-th-tír/ ‘cause x to do’
/là:m/ ‘dance’ /ìn-là:m-tír/ ‘cause x to dance’
Such complex verbs can further participate in large constructions involving tense, aspect or modal auxiliaries as discussed in the following sections. However, a few examples are given below :
1. /sita film ká:nèntìr tàh/ ‘I showed Sita a film’
2. /sita film ìnéntìr í tìh/
3. /sita film í:néntìr dí anih/
‘you will show Sita a film’
Verbal Compounds
In Hmar N+V or V+V type of compound verbs, where both the constituents together function like a unit and undergo inflection like a simple verb are not generally found. Rather compound verbs of the types V+Post position are common. Such compound verbs only express various shades of meaning equivalent to tense-like, aspectual and modal expressions.
Expression of Past and Future Tenses
Hmar has no one word verb form which could express a verb in past or future tense. This does not mean that Hmar has no device to express past and future. It, like English which expresses future by phrasal construction (auxilary/will/+verb root) has a device of periphrastic constructions. Hmar expresses equivalents of past and future by phrases, which are nothing but compounding a verb with some past positions. The present tense verb form is followed by /tah/ to denote past and by /tih/ to denote furture. There forms can’t be construed as suffixes as these are separated from the main verb stem/root by a perceptible pause. The compound verb forms so constructed do not undergo any inflection for person and number. Given below are few examples:
 Past Equivalent
                  ‘do’+past        ‘eat’+past
ká/kán/eí      th tàh       fà:k tàh            ‘I/we did/ate’
í/ín              th tàh       fà:k tàh            ‘you did/ate’
á/án            th                     tàh fà:k tàh       ‘he/they did/ate’
All verbs participate in this kind of compound formation for the realisation of past equivalents. The transitivety or intransivity or the syllabic structure of the main verb root has no bearing on the compound-verbal formations for past equivalents.
Future Equivalents
The future equivalents are realised slightly differently from those of post equivalents. The post position /tìh/ ‘will’ in place of /tàh/ for the past is used subject to the following conditions:
1. - is added to the verbroot,
2. The subject pronoun follows the main verb as realised under (i) above, and
3. The post position /tìh/ marking future comes as the last constituent in the verb phrase.
All verbs participate in this kind of compound formation for the reliastion of future equivalents. The transitivity or intransitivity or the syllabic structure of the main verb root does not have any bearing on the compound verbal formations for future equivalents too. The following examples in the tabular form could be seen.







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