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(do + future) /th + tìh/
1p /th: ká tìh/ ‘I will do’
/th: kán tìh/ ‘we will do’
/th: éi tìh/ ‘we will do’
2p /th: í tìh/ ‘you will do’
/th: ín tìh ‘you will do (pl.)’
3p /th: á tìh/ ‘he/she will do’
/th: í n tìh/ ‘they will do’
Similarly, in
     fa:k   +   tih  
(eat)   +  (future)
// will take the place of /k/, For example:
/fá: tìh/ ‘he will eat’
/fá: ká tìh/ ‘I will eat’
/fá: án tìh/ ‘they will eat’ etc.
It may be noted that in such phrasal future-equivalent constructions the main verbs and the post positions need not always form immediate constituents; they could well be separated by inserting the subject pronouns. This is rather the most favored from of construction for expression of future equivalents. The following examples may be seen. But in case of ‘shall’ in assertive or demanding sense, the verb does not show any change; the indicator of determination or, intention /di/, in place of /tih/, is added to and the pronoun comes first. The // sound of /th:/ gets shifted to /di/ and is omitted from verb.
1p /ká th á nìh/ ‘I shall do’
/kán th á nìh/
/éi th á nìh/
‘we shall do’
2p /í th á nìh/ ‘you shall do’
/ín th á nìh/ ‘you (pl.) shall do’
3p /á th á nìh/ ‘he/she shall do’
/án th á nìh/ ‘they shall do’
/kà fá:k dì á nìh/ ‘I shall eat’
/kà fá:k ei-di á nìh/ ‘I must eat’
Hmar does not have aspectual inflection. It has devices for marking present progressive and present perfect progressive aspects by phrasal constructions. In the absence of any auxilary marking aspects, the root forms will indicate initiative aspect only.
The progressive aspect is also realised by phrasal construction for present and past, and not for future. While present progressive is realised from present tense verb forms, the past progressive has no relationship with past equivalents.
Present Progressive
This is realised by using auxilary /zì/, or /mè:k/ post positional to the present tense verb form. The verb phrase remains same for all persons and status, numbers, and genders. The following examples could be seen:
/ká thát zì/mè:k/ ‘I am killing’
/kán thát zì/mè:k/  ‘we (exclusive) are killing’
/ií thát zì/mè:k/ ‘we (inclusive) are killing’
/í/ín thát zì/mè:k/ ‘you are killing’
/á/án thát zì/mè:k/ ‘he/she/they is/are killing’
The progressive aspect of the past equivalent is realised by using two auxiliaries in the given sequence to the simple verb forms. /zì/ or /mè:k/ continues to be the terminal auxiliary marking progressive aspect and /lái/ (and not /tàh/) occurs in the middle position which marks past. The following examples may be seen:







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