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/thí pùi bè:l/ ‘tea pot’
/dá:rthlálà ìn/ ‘glass house’
/théihài àcár/ ‘mango pickles’
In other words, they form N+N conpound.
A Noun followed by an adjective constitutes a close unit of a noun phrase. When the noun in such a noun phrase has to be pluralised, the plural suffix is to be added the adjective, and not to the noun. In other words the whole noun phrase has to be pluralised.


/náupá rìlò/ ‘notorious boy’
/náupá rìlò-hài/ ‘notorious boys’
/hùná ínsà/ ‘tall chair’
/hùná ínsà-hài/ ‘tall chairs’
/níhlíep dùm/ ‘black umbrella’
/níhlíep dùm-hái/ ‘black umbrellas’
Gender of Adjectives
Gender is not manifested in the adjectives in Hmar. When for any semantic reason the gender of the noun in a noun-phrase has to be changed the noun alone has to be altered. In other words, the same adjective occurs after both masculine and feminine nouns.
/mìhríem ílnéi/ ‘kind man’
/nùhmèi ílnéi/ ‘kind woman’
/pà mìtdél/ ‘blind father’
/nù mìtdél/ ‘blind mother’;
rkh sèn/ ‘red cock’
 /árpúi sèn/  ‘red hen’
/vàràk cál/ ‘male duck’
/thlà:/ ‘moon’
/thlà thár/ ‘new moon’
/thlà cénvè/ ‘half moon’
/thlà hér/ ‘crescent’
Case of Adjective
Adjectives alone do not show inflection for case. But if a noun phrase containing an adjective has to manifest case, the case-suffix or the post position marking case follows the adjective.
/ná ínsààìnthkín/ ‘from a tall chair’
(chair) (tall) (from)  
/hrúi séi-ìn/ ‘by a long rope’
/vádú líen-àh/ ‘in a big river’
(river) (big) (by)  
/thí ìnsà-àh/ ‘on a tall tree’
(tree) (tall) (on)
Use of Reduplicated Adjectives
Nouns of multitute, if any, could follow the whole phrase consisting of N+Adj. Hmar does not form constructions with reduplicated adjectives. But the noun of multitude that accompanies could get reduplicated and occur at the end. The head noun need not be pluralised.
/thí ìntlàr ìnsá ták tàk/ ‘series of tall trees’
(trec) (rows) (tall) (very)
/pà:r bùk mói ták tàk/
(flowers) (clump) (beautiful) (very) 'clusters of beautiful flowers'
/púon thlé: màntám tàk tàk/ ‘heaps of expensive clothes’
(cloth) (heap)(clostly) (very)
Adjectives used Predicatively
When adjectives are required to be used predicatively the adjectives get separated from the head noun by the introduction of







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