1.6.4 |
is a general tendency in Hmar that in full sentences
the rising and falling tones are carried by the verb
and auxiliaries; other elements normally carry the
level tone. The following examples could be seen: |
r h/
‘come’ |
fé r h/
‘go there’ |
thàt n h/
‘they donot kill’ |
r h/
‘go away’ |
zà:m/ |
‘they fled away’ |
of the tone is necessary when words occur in sentences.
In isolation, words may occur in level tone only. Example- |
/fe:/ |
‘go’ |
/hu /
‘come’ |
/that/ |
‘kill’ |
1.6.5 |
tone of a word in a sentence may differ from that
of the same word in isolation. When other forms are
added to construct larger forms tone generally gets
altered. The following examples could be seen : |
isolation means ‘make’, |
síemì/ |
calling a person ‘Siema
or Sìemi’ |
when it forms a complex form with another form
preceding it, and |
sìem/ |
when it forms a compound with another complex
form preceding it. |
tone of the second constituent in the last example remains
same as that in the first example as the first constituent
is a complex one and the second constituent begins as a
fresh one. |
1.6.6 |
the above scheme of tonal representation, tones are
indicated in the examples in this Grammar. The tone
representation here represents the speech pattern
of the Hmar as spoken in Assam-Manipur area. |
possesses altogether 32 speech sounds, 11 vowels of which
one has a slant towards an active diphthong /ou/ and 21
consonants. Hmar speech sounds closely resemble those of
other sister languages of Kuki-Chin group such as Mizo and
Kom. |
vowels in Hmar could be represented in the following table
as per their point and manner of articulation. It may be
seen that 5 vowels manifest both short and long varieties.
A very short dipthong /ou/ sound, represented in the alphabet
as [o] manifests only short variety. However it is conveniently
combined with other vowels to produce other dipthong sounds
where [o] tends to take the place of [ ] |
Front |
Central |
Back |
high |
i i: |
u u: |
high-mid |
e e: |
o: |
low-mid |
low |
a: |
Hmar seems to form dipthongs and tripthongs
as under:
ei ui uo ou ai au eu iei uou and uoi/ |