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/á:rtúi/ ‘egg’
/kùrtà:i/ ‘jaggery’
/nàràel/ ‘coconut’
/fáhríl/  ‘pestle’
/márphú/ ‘pulse’
/dá:rbú/ ‘set of gongs’

/àcá:r/ ‘pickle’
/pà:r/ ‘flower’
/már/ 'pulse’
/dá:r/ ‘bell’
/rámá:r/ ‘wild foul’
/ìnzà:r/ ‘spread’
/ìntár/ ‘crowded’
2.7 Syllabic Structure of Hmar words
Hmar words manifest a large variety of syllabic structures. Some words are as small as a single syllable and that syllable, again, may consist of a single vowel. There are also large syllables that consist of seven sounds.
The following syllabic structures could be identified in Hmar.
2.7.1 Monosyllabic words
a. Open syllable : V alone

/a/ ‘he, his’
/i/ ‘you, your’
/e:/  ‘an word of exclamation’
/u/ ‘elder to ego’
b. Open syllable: VC

/á/ ‘fish’
/pá/ ‘father’
/nú/ ‘mother’
/sá:/ ‘meat’
/bù/ ‘food’
/lú/ ‘head’
/ná/ ‘pain’
/ka/ ‘I’, ‘my’, ‘mine’
/dà/ ‘divorce’
/dá:/ ‘pale’
c. Close syllable : VC

/à/ ‘like’
/àp/ ‘fungal stain’
/án/ ‘he’, they’
/é:k/ ‘stool’
/én/ ‘look’, ‘see’
/úm/ ‘exist’
/ìp/ ‘bag’
/ìn/ ‘house’
d. Closed syllable : CVC

/lál/ ‘chief’
/lúm/ ‘hot’
/kà:p/ ‘shot’
/sá:t/ ‘cut’
/mìt/ ‘eye’
/táp/ ‘oven’, ‘fire place’
/lám/ ‘path’
/nám/ ‘push’
/ná:m/ ‘smooth’
e. Close syllable : CCVC

/tlà:n/ ‘run’
/tlúm/ ‘sink’
/tlùk/ ‘equivalent’
/zá:l/ ‘lie down’
/hlàk/ ‘used to’






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