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‘What-’ clause 
/í hrìl cù kà hríet nh/
(you) (say) (what) (I) (understand) (is not)
‘I do not understand what you ae saying’
/íem à tlú tì à hríet nh/
(what) (it) (happen) (what) (he) (khow) (is not)
‘he did not know what was happening’
‘As-’ clause 
/í tù á à sl:k ì tìh/
(you) (sow) (as) (as) (reap) (you) (will)
‘as you sow, so will you reap’
/president á:n bà:n lèiìn kéinì khm kán ìnbà:n/
(president) (he) (resign)(as) (we) (also) (we) (resigned)
‘as the president resigned we also resigned’
/mì ríùm á nì lèiìn kán ìnzà:/
(man) (honest)(he) (is) (because) (we) (respect)
‘we respect him as he is honest’
/kà úi á cùk lèiìn rú:l cú ká thàt/
(my) (dog) (it) (bite) (as) (snake) (then) (I) (kill)
‘I killed the snake as it had bitten my dog’
‘While-’ clause
/p:l kúo ká:n cù:k lài china ìndòu á:n*àn/
(class) (9th) (I) (learn) (while) (China)(war) (began)
‘while I was studying in class IX, China war began’
/ín kà pán làiìn kà rúol hlúi kán tùokpùi/
(home) (I) (approach) (while) (I) (friend((old) (I am) (meet)
‘while (I was) going home I met an old friend’
/klás-à í ùm lài tùkvèr áh dá:k n rh/
(class-in) (you) (are) (while) (window) (through) (look) (not) (+imp)
‘while you are in the class don’t look through the window’
Compound Sentences containing an Embedded Clause
Hmar also manifests a kind of complex sentences where one sentence (=a clause, to be very precise) is inset into another sentence (+the main clause, to be very precise). The main clause is known as the matrix clause and the inset clause is known as the embedded clause. The length of the clause is not important here. The matrix clause could be as small as two words, i.e. the subject noun or pronoun could be verb and the embedded clause could be as large as any simple sentence of possible length. The embedded clause may represent either direct speech or an indirect speech. Hmar does not maintains distinction between direct speech and indirect speech except the person of the subject pronoun in the embedded clause is * from 2nd person to 3rd person or 1st person as the case may be in respect of written discourse the use of quote marks distinguish * direct speech from the indirect one; in speech, of course, this distinction is lost.
Given below are few pairs of sentences which exemplify the compound sentences containing ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ embedded clauses.
/i hmí íem à ná:/ tìín ká:n dn à/
(your) (name) (what) (it) (is) (saying)(I am) (ask) (him)
‘I asked him, ‘what is your name?’
/à hmí ká:n dn à/
(his) (name) (I am) (ask) (him)
‘I asked him what was his name’
/kà sín kà zóu á tà/
(I) (work) (he) (finish) (he) (tell)
‘he told, ‘I did my duty’







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