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/pnj-p ‘a water insect which has 
five legs’







‘adopted child’






‘a type of fever’



 ‘(I) shall sit’

Word juncture
is open transition preceding and following a word and is marked by space between the words in the sentences.

Phrase juncture is a pause for a longer duration than the word juncture and it indicates the phrase boundary. This juncture resolves the grammatical ambiguity and it contrasts with its absence. It may be marked by comma(,).

For example:



‘They are in the house’

3    1     3                 2



‘Those are houses’(Those

1 2 3    1         3             2 houses are)

Sentence juncture is a pause for a little longer time at the end and beginning of the sentence and may be denoted by full stop/./.

Each vowel constitutes the peak of the syllable. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels. The syllabic structure of Gojri can be represented by (C)V(C) structure which marks that a syllable in this language can have consonants as the onset or coda with a single vowel peak and a simple vowel by itself can also constitute a syllable.

We have noted in the phonemic distribution that the phonemes can occur in various positions and various combinations and these form the part of syllabic structure. Syllabic structure may be described as follows:



When in a word a consonant occurs in the inter-vocalic position then it occurs as the onset of the following syllable and that consonant even may not occur in the initial position. For example:









/ja ‘desolate’



When in a word two consonants C1C2 occur intervocalic ally than C1 the first consonant occurs as the coda of the preceding syllable and C2 the second consonant occurs as the onset of the following syllable. The geminates also behave like this. For example:













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