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/r/ Voiced dental trill occurs in all the positions.








‘cotton’  /mnaro/  ‘tower’  /pttr/  ‘leaf’


// Retroflex flap occurs in the word medial and final position.





/pa/  ‘camp’  /ro ‘bud’

/l/ Voiced dental lateral occurs in all the positions.








‘linen/  /belo/  ‘the land on  /ul/  ‘stool’

the bank of

the river’

// Retroflex flapped lateral does not occur in the initial position of the word.




‘wind, hair’


‘metal plate’ 

/g ‘collar’


/w/ Labial fricationless continuant does not occur in the word final position.










/y/ Palatal frictionless continuant does not occur in the word final position.









Consonantal Length

There are three degrees of phonetic length in consonants:

(i) extra long/geminates (ii) fortis and

(iii) lenis

(i) Geminates:

Geminates are extra long and more fortis consonants. All the consonants except /q,,f,z,š,h,x,F,r,,,w,γ/ occur geminated after the vowels /I U/ in the intervocalic position. When aspirated are geminated they are aspirated at the final release and they are the clusters of unaspirated and aspirated ones. Structurally geminates are treated like other clusters of two consonants and are denotes by the doubling of the consonants. 










‘left handed’


/ttto/  ‘hot’







/bdd ‘rain’

/lUddi/  ‘vulture’


















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