Velar nasal occurs only before the voiced velar stop.
[n] Dental nasal occurs in all the other environments.
/n s l/
/k an/
/n garo/
‘a musical |
/k na i/ |
‘earthen |
/k n/
instrument’ |
/ /
Does not occur in the word initial position and has two allophones.
[ŋ] a retroflex nasal which occurs with the homorganic stops.
[ ]
a flapped retroflex nasal occurs in all the other environments.
/f/ Voiceless labiodental fricative occurs in all the positions.
/t r f/
/f€slo/ |
‘decision’ |
/m naf q/
‘a back bite’
/s/ Voiceless alveolar fricative occurs in all the positions.
/z/ Voiced alveolar fricative occurs in all the positions of the word.
This is mostly found in the loan words from Perso-Arabic.
/zIyar t/
‘grave of the
/b zar/
/z mir/
/g za/
‘a charm, an
Voiceless palatal fricative occurs in all the positions.
/š ki/
/m šin/
/x rgoš/
‘mirror, looking
/p š m/
/x/ Voiceless velar fricative occurs in all the positions.
/m x€ri/
‘black bee’
‘name of a fruit’
/x w r/
/j x m/
‘the period (for
which the bullock
has been put to
plough)’ |
Voiced velar fricative occurs in all the positions.
/r γ n/
/γal b/
/b γ€r/
/h/ Voiceless glottal fricative occurs only in the initial position.
‘part, share’
/hI ki/