Cases mark the relationship between the noun and verb in the sentence.
Case relationship is realized variously in various languages such as
denoted by in flexional suffixes or preposition/postposition or order of
the nouns or it is unmarked. In this language cases are marked by
postpositions as well as by the direct form i.e., unmarked. First we shall
describe various postpositions and then the cases available in the
Postpositions in the language occur after the oblique forms of nominals
in a construction. The postpositions cannot occur by themselves to show
the relationships with other word categories, thus when it occurs with the
nominal form it shows case relation. On the basis of their occurrence the
postpositions can be grouped broadly into two classes (a) postpositions
which occur directly after the oblique form of all nouns and pronouns and
(b) postpositions which occur after the genitive oblique form of the first
and second person pronouns and with the other oblique forms of nouns and
pronouns like (a). These are listed below :
type (a)
-g-~-r-~- -
‘of’ /-r-/ after 1st and 2 nd
person pronouns, /- -/
after the reflexive /ap/ and
/-g-/ occurs with the rest of
the nominals.
Type (b)
w r
w rũ
‘from on’
d r
to i
t k
s ng
‘from with’
ko €
‘to with’
ko ũ
‘than, from’
s wa
Besides there are some postpositions out of type (b) which can also
occur after {g€~r€~ €}.
These are mostly derived postpositions such as :
/ko €/
‘to |
/na /
There are adverbials which occur after /g€
~ re ~
(after the oblique form of the nominals) and /dũ/
which are similar in function to some of the postpositions mentioned
above. These are adverbials of location such as /ka /
‘behind’, /bár/
‘out’, /Upp r/
‘on’ /pIcch€/
‘behind, after’ /saw€/
‘in front’ heţh/
‘down’, /bUn/ ‘below, down’, / gg€/
‘ahead’ /neţh/
‘near’ functioning like postposition /na /
‘with’ etc., as as in /wo mer€