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sata 7 7
a:a 8
noa 9
dsa 10
egaro 11
baro 12
tero 13
ud 14
pndr 15
su 16
str 17
hr 18
u¸is 19
kuie 20
tiris 30
a:is 40
pas 50
sahie 60
suturi 70
si 80
lobe 90
so 100
ek so } 100
mon so }  
dui so } 200
bar so } 200
tini so } 300
api so } 300
a:ri so } 400
upun so } 400
pano so } 500
moe so } 500
o so } 600
turi so } 700
sato so 700
hajar ‘thousand’
lokho ‘lakh’
koi ‘crore’



upun bhagtea monbhag 
four part - of one part  ¼
‘one part of the four parts’
upun bhagtea api bhag
four part - of three part  ¾
‘three parts of the four parts’


The case may be an inflectional ending or a post-positional suffix which is added to the noun to express the relation of the noun with other words in the sentence. In Bhumij, eight cases may be established. Dative and Instrumental cases have single suffix to express dative and instrumental case relations. The nominatie case does not have a separate marker. All the case markers in this language are suffixed to the noun. The Accusative case marker-ke is not added to the object noun if it is inanimate; the marker is optionally added if the object noun is animate. The other case markers are added obligatorily.
The Nominative case may be considered as a case relation in this language though there is no separate case marker to express this case relation. When the noun is used as the subject of a sentence (see Chapter 5.6), it expresses the relation of the subject with other words in the sentence.

Though single case marker is used for Dative and Instrumental, it may be considered as two cases since it expresses two case relations in two different contexts.


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