All the short vowels occur in all the three positions,
namely word initial, medial and final positions. All the long vowels and the
nasalaized vowel /ã/ occur both in the initial and medial positions, but not
in the final position. The either two nasalized vowels //
and /õ/ occur only in the medial position.
The Consonants /p t
k b
d g t x j s m n
l and r/ occur in all the
three positions namely word initial, medial and final positions. The
consonants / th dh
·h kh
gh čand
/ occur both in the initial and medial
positions but not in the final position. The consoannes /ph
bh ch
and jh/ occur only in the initial position. The
consonants /?,
ŋ/ occur both in the medial and final
positions but not in the initial position.