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/aba/  [aa]  ‘father’
/kuba/ [ka] ‘hunch back’
/jata/ [j^a] ‘husband’s brother’s wife’
/ote/ [oe] ‘earth’
/mudi/  [mi] ‘ring’
/gadi/ [g^i]  ‘soft place’
/jete/ [jEe] ‘sun shine’
/aa/ [^a] ‘tooth’
/mei/  [mEi] ‘ram’
/a:o/ [da:o] ‘finger’
/tuka/ [ta] ‘nest’
/sukuri/ [sri]  ‘pig’
/haga/ [h^a] ‘brother’
/bugi/  [bi] ‘good’
/n/ becomes [n] when it occurs with /d/
/landa/  [l^da] ‘to smile’
/hende/  [hEde] ‘black’
/čondiri/ [čvndIri] ‘limestone’
/N/ becomes [ñ] when it occurs either with front vowel or with palatal consonant.
/aiŋ/ [aiñ] ‘I’
/huiŋ/ [hUIñ] ‘small’
/kaŋči/ [k^ñči] ‘basket’
/hoŋjar/ [hñj^r] ‘father-in-law’


Distribution of Phonemes



All the short vowels occur in all the three positions, namely word initial, medial and final positions. All the long vowels and the nasalaized vowel /ã/ occur both in the initial and medial positions, but not in the final position. The either two nasalized vowels // and /õ/ occur only in the medial position.

/i/ /ipil/ ‘star’ /rimbil/   ‘sky’ /čauli/ ‘rice’
/i:/  /i:am/ ‘weeping’   /si:m/ ‘chicken’ x  
/e/ /eraŋ/ ‘to scold’ /gei/ ‘snail’ /hake/ ‘axe’
/e:/ /e:e?/ ‘to erase’  /le:a?/ ‘earthworm x  
// x   /hsraw/ ‘to pant’ x  
/a/ /arki/ ‘liquor’ /kaji/ ‘to speak’ /talka/ ‘palm’
/a:/ /a:?/ ‘bow’   /ča:nuni/ ‘sieve’ x  
/ã/  /ãhaw/ ‘to kneel’ /nãwã/ ‘new’  x  
/ /ča/ ‘house’ /čč?/  ‘neck’ /mčhč/ ‘fat’
/:/    /:čet/ ‘epilepsy’ /bč:hasu/ ‘headache’ x  
/o/ /ol/ ‘to write’ /loso?/  ‘mud’ /soopo/ ‘road’
/o:/  /o:/ ‘vote’ /mo:a/ ‘to worship’ x  
/õ/  x   /hõkir/ ‘to snore’ x  
/u/  /utu/ ‘curry’ /duraŋ/ ‘song’  /rutu/ ‘flute’
/u:/  x   /lu:i/ ‘ladle’    



The Consonants /p t k b d g t x j s m n l and r/ occur in all the three positions namely word initial, medial and final positions. The consonants / th dh h ·h kh gh č and / occur both in the initial and medial positions but not in the final position. The consoannes /ph bh ch and jh/ occur only in the initial position. The consonants /?, and ŋ/ occur both in the medial and final positions but not in the initial position.

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