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kl ‘to send’
jhlml ‘to shine’

[r], alveolar voiced flap sound, is produced as this: the tongue tip taps once against alveolar region. The vocal cords are vibrating

rlu ‘to shut (mouth)’
rl ‘light’
rs¸i ‘garlic’
r:n ‘weakness’
trn ‘shoulder’
khu:ra ‘hoof’
aŋgra ‘coal’
b:r 'bridegroom’
jr ‘to discuss’

[], retroflex lateral voiced flap, is produced as this: the tongue tip curles back and taps once against hard palate. Vocal cords are vibrating.

Examples :
a ‘house’
ki ‘girl’
pe:a ‘guest’
r^a ‘to open (bundle)’
hIi ‘to tempt’
da:a ‘branch’
dla:u ‘affection’
gIIlIi ‘desert
gu:Ikha:i ‘sugarcane’

[w], bilabial semi vowel, is produced as this: the back of the otngue is raised a little towards soft palate. The lips are rounded and protruded but are not drawn so close to produce friction. The vocal cords are vibrating.

Examples :
lwa ‘pumpkin’
hEwa ‘accustomed’
khwai ‘valley’
bEwra ‘invitation’
ajw ‘to decorate’
jlrw ‘to rest’
thmbw ‘to save’
btrw ‘to swell (grain)’

[y], palatal semi vowel, is produced as this: the front part of the tongue is raised towards hard palate. The tongue height is not enough to produce friction or not low enough to produce a pure vowel. The vocal cords are vibrating.

Examples :
hy  ‘wind’
dya ‘kind’
tyu ‘fox’
byr ‘rope’
myŋ  ‘blood’
tyn ‘crocodile’


‘to whisper’


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