n no |
‘to urinate’ |
n a
‘dark’ |
r^nu |
‘medicine’ |
‘to refuse’ |
ča:n ni
‘to sieve’ |
t^ En
‘flattened rice’ |
p rs n
‘question’ |
sEya:n |
‘fox’ |
[ ], retroflex
voiced nasal consonant, is produced as this: the tip of the tongue curls
back and touches hard palate blocking the air completely. The soft palate is
lowered and the air passes through the nasal passage. The vocal cords are
Examples :
[ñ], palatal voiced nasal consonant, is
produced as this: the oral passage is blocked by raising the front part of
the tongue against the hard palate. The soft palate is lowered and the
arrested air passes through the nasal passage. The vocal cords are
Examples :
tiñ |
‘to carry (like bag)’ |
‘to cry’ |
sEñEl |
‘fire’ |
kIrIñ |
‘to buy’ |
rl Iñ
‘to forget’ |
h Iñ
‘small’ |
h ñja:r |
‘father-in-law’ |
p^ñj n
‘anklet’ |
[N], velar voiced nasal
consonant, is produced as this: the oral passage is blocked raising the back
of the tongue againstsoft palate. The velum is lowered and the arrested air
passes through the nasal passage. The vocal cords are vibrating./
Examples :
‘bachelor’ |
‘short’ |
‘lid’ |
uŋg l
‘to bend’ |
b ŋga
‘worship’ |
s ŋ
‘to measure (volume)’ |
‘to hide (something)’ |
d r^ŋ
‘song’ |
[l], alveolar voiced lateral consonant, is produced as
this: the tongue tip is placed against aveolar region. The middle of the
oral passage is closed and the tongue leaves openings either one side or
both sides for the air to escape through. The vocal cords are vibrating.
Examples :