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[dh], dental voiced aspirated stop, is produced same as [d] except aspiration. A heavy puff of air accompanies the release. The vocal cords are vibrating.
Examples :
dhla ‘dust’
dh^rjo ‘to decide’
dhrm ‘religion’
dhm^N ‘drum (made of mud)’
dh^h^i ‘turbon’
dha:nda:ri ‘cave’
gdh ‘donkey’



hdhi ‘waterfall’

[h], retroflex voiced aspirated stop, is produced same as [d] except aspiration. A heavy puff of air accompanies the release. The vocal cords are vibrating.

hl ‘drum (made of wood)’
ha ‘hole’
hIa ‘coagulate’
hlkh^i ‘drumstick’
h^ŋkhi ‘lid’
h^hIa ‘rough’
[gh], velar voiced aspirated stop, is produced same as [g], except aspiration. A heavy puff of air accompanies the release. The vocal cords are vibrating.

gh^u ‘wound’
gha:ri ‘cage’
gha:rna ‘eclipse’
gh:a ‘bell, clock’
gh^^w ‘to stir (while cooking rice)’
gh^ugi ‘to heel (wound)’
[č] palatal voiceless affricate, is produced as this: the front part of the tongue is raised to touch the hard palate. The air behind the closure is compressed due to pressure from the lungs. The contact of the tongue with the hard palate is withdrawn slowly causing friction after explosion. The vocal cords do not vibrate.

č^s  ‘field’
č^u  ‘pot’
ča:i ‘key’
č^m ‘umbrella’
č^u  ‘moon’
čauli  ‘rice’
r^ča ‘to pull’
d^čl ‘mane’
b^ñč^w ‘alive’
hrčč^i ‘wall lizard’
[j], apalatal voiced affricate, is produced same as [č] except voicing. The vocal cords are vibrating.
ja:ŋ ‘bone’
j^a ‘husband’s brother’
j^i ‘mat’
j^lm ‘net’
jIrb ‘warm’
ra:ja ‘king’
p^ñja ‘foot print’
ba:a:ji  ‘monk’
trbu:j ‘water melon’
[čh], palatal voiceless aspirated affricate, is produced same as [č] except aspiration. A heavy puff of air accompanies the release. The vocal cords do not vibrate.
čh^a ‘to finish’
čhoit  ‘name of a month (March-April)’


čh^nnia ‘to worry’
[jh], palatal voiced aspirated affricate, is produced same as [j] except aspiration. A heavy puff of air accompanies the release. The vocal cords are vibrating.


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