ph^r ŋ |
‘to excel’ |
ph g a
‘blunt’ |
ph^ ?p
‘to fall (tree with its
roots)’ |
phE a: i
‘egg’ |
[th], dental voiceless aspirated stop, is produced
same as [t] except aspiration. A heavy puff of air accompanies the release.
The vocal cords do not vibrate.
Examples :
th l
‘to bind’ |
tha: i
‘dish’ |
th ŋa |
‘to shoot’ |
thEga |
‘to kick’ |
‘to crawl’ |
‘to clap’ |
prIthIm |
‘world’ |
‘prayer’ |
[ h], retroflex
voiceless aspirated stop, is produced same as [ ]
except aspiration. A heavy puff of air accompanies the release. The vocal
cords do not vibrate.
Examples :
th r
‘to know’ |
‘right’ |
h^y^ra: a
‘thunder’ |
pI ha
‘cake’ |
g :¸ hi
‘joint’ |
k hu:ri
‘room’ |
[kh], velar voiceless aspirated stop, is produced same
as [k] except aspiration. A heavy puff of air accompanies the release. The
vocal cords do not vibrate.
kh l
‘hollow’ |
kh i |
‘mine’ |
kh^ a
‘blind’ |
kh^ ^w |
‘to work hard’ |
kh^ ·u:ra
‘piece’ |
kha: ^ u
‘jackfruit’ |
khE I r n
‘to recover’ |
kh ñči  ^ŋ
‘lock up’ |
p rIkha
‘to examine’ |
‘to rescue’ |
[bh], bilabial voiced aspirated
stop, is produced same as [b], except aspiration. A heavy puff of air
accompanies the release. The vocal cords are vibrating.
Examples :
bh l
‘evil’ |
bh^ a
‘to hire’ |
bh^d r
‘name of a month (August-September)’ |
bh li
‘bitch’ |
bh r^w
‘to pack (box)’ |
‘to change (money)’ |
bha:gwa |
‘loin cloth’ |
s bho
‘good men’ |
[dh], dental voiced
aspirated stop, is produced same as [d] except aspiration. A heavy puff of
air acccompanies the release. The vocal cords are vibrating.
Examples :