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 ar en -sa tea - ko sendera - ko
  and that - side - pl. hunt - PT.
  They wanted to start the hunting from that direction.


 hik enka - ge kaji bai - jan -a
  right-that - emph. plan- past -cop
  They planned properly.


 hatu - ren joto dh aŋgara a?, sar, bake,
  village - case all young bow-arrow axe
  kapi, barlom, emen sapa?p -ko sa?p - kate
  knife trident etc. instrument - pl -catch - while
  hatu -rea posim - sa - re -ko hu¸·i - jan -a
  village -case east side - case - pl. gather past-cop
  According to the end of the village, on the western side with
  the weapons like bow and arrow, axe, knife, trident etc.


 bana sendera - kaji h - ko - a mone - re isu-
  bear hunt - word man -pl mind - case very
  The people were very happy on the hunting of the bear.


hik enka - ge jagar - ko bai - ked-a jo dho
  right that - emph. word - pl. make- past- that group
  par - te?t babar h tain -a- ko
  per - tense two-two man stay -cop-PT.
  They planned to form many groups of two persons each.


 en - musiŋ tarasiŋ - sa huiŋ - gamano - ked - a
  that - day evening - in small rain -past-cop
  There was a small rain in the evening.


 gama - te a:i - ko isu-ge loso?t - len -a
  rain -case field - pl. very- mud -past -cop
  The fields became muddy due to the rain.


 jagar - idi - kate babar h tai - kate ba:di-ko
  plan -take - while two two man stay-while field
  sendera - ked - a
  hunt -past -cop
  According to their plan, each group stayed in the field to hunt.
  (ba:di-large field are covering more than 80 acres of land)


 sendera sendera - te isu - du:r - ko sen - idi -
  hunting hunting- by very - distance - pl go - take
  jan -a
  They went to a long distance by hunting.


 bana - ka - ko nam - l?t - ko -a
  bear - neg - pl. get -past - PT -cop
  They could not get the bear.


 en musiŋ taiken-a tte? - nida
  that day past moonlight - night
  On that day there was moonlight in the night.


 nide - re punur - ko - jo bana - leka ieka - te
  night - case bush - pl. -also bear - like like - case
  boro - te okoi okoido daru - ko -re de?-taro
  fear - case who tree - PT - case climb
  taiken -a
  past -cop
In the night, bushes looked like bears; so all the hunters climbed up the trees.


 oo hui - re - do ba:di abaua
  and small - field finish
  After some time, they returned


a:i imi - etan hende hende lelo - taiken -a
  field boundary top black black see - past -cop
  The surface of the field looked black.
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